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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. "Back then I expected virtual reality headsets would be as common as mobile phones within six years." This guy is fuckin' delusional. Trying to measure VR success against mobile phones, a necessity in today's society. The problem with people thinking VR failed is that they're measuring an expensive standalone (for the most part) product against what they think is a success or how they think it should have "caught on". As far as I'm concerned VR is as successful as it needed to be. It was certainly enough that we'll be seeing VR headsets in the future.
  2. I think it's safe to say that Game Pass subscriptions aren't very high based on the game subscription based services revenue/market share pie chart that showed up recently.
  3. I suppose so. I'll be interested to see what their portfolio looks like in the future with the acquisition of these new studios, specifically Obsidian.
  4. Yeah I made a thread about it. The original Xbox One / S truly are a thorn in Microsoft and developer's side right now. It's too late for Microsoft to abandon, but I bet devs can't wait to drop that POS.
  5. I think Microsoft abandoning exclusives on the Xbox brand was a major blow. It's the reason why Xbox 360 did so well (even if they were timed) last generation. I understand where they're trying to go in the future with streaming and access to their content, but all I can think of is how shit Microsoft is at doing anything despite having deep pockets. Oh well.
  6. Like I said if it wasn't for Nintendo's first party the Wii U would be worthless. The biggest difference between Wii U failing and Xbox One failing is that Xbox One can continue on being shit on the first party end while still receiving the majority of 3rd party games. This is something Wii U failed to do and was ultimately abandoned altogether. While Microsoft to did shit out 3 SKUs for the Xbox One they are optional and not a requirement. Nintendo fans had to buy the Switch in order to move forward. There was nothing left for the Wii U.
  7. Yeah, Nintendo did kind of fuck over Wii U owners at the end of the day and if it wasn't for Nintendo's first party games it'd be worthless. At least Xbox One has 3rd party support.
  8. I would agree, but PlayStation 3 swam through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. One of Sony's worst console performances is Microsoft's best.
  9. Wii U It's crazy how Nintendo managed to fuck themselves off the success of Wii.
  10. Crackdown 3 - (A and 'impressive gamepass numbers' article by MS)
  11. It's better to look at disc based media instead of proprietary cartridges. I think starting with the cost of new PlayStation games in 1994 and then taking the inflation rate from then until now paints a more accurate picture.
  12. Yeah that's great and all , but lets take a look at your silly comparison at NeoGAF. "When they draw focus to things other than PlayStation; PlayStation loses focus. When the Xbox One launch was met with lament due to its universal entertainment focus why was that? Because they tried to spread their resources and focus across multiple things instead of just gaming and it screwed them. It's better to do one thing with excellence than three things in a state of mediocrity." This is hyperbole in its purist form. What you completely ignored is that Sony already has these th
  13. Absolutely nothing. It just means Sony now owns the Audiokinetic middleware... The company will still be operating independently of Sony.
  14. It's the same hyperbole you spew too. For example, the thread with Sony wanting to have their three entertainment divisions collaborating more often (Sony Music/Pictures and PlayStation).
  15. I think $100 is gross exaggeration. It would be more like $75 if we start at the point of when disc based games were the norm. Regardless, microtransactions were always going to exist because it provides more revenue and profit than the inflation rate percentage ever could.
  16. I think people are just dumbfounded as to how quickly this brand has deteriorated and how poorly Microsoft has handled the Xbox platform in the last 5 years with no end in sight.
  17. Jesus fuckin' Christ dude. Can you make a thread without copy/pasting every last thing from RetardEra?
  18. Probably not. With the amount of microtransactions, DLC and other streams of revenue flowing in from games I think they will continue to be $60 and obviously some for less. I foresee game development costs stagnating going into next generation since tooling, the use of AI and cinematic equipment/studios are becoming more and more established. So I don't think there's going to be these huge initial investments for the equipment. Just my thoughts and I could be totally wrong.
  19. Quit being retarded. https://mojang.com/2011/03/the-official-minecraft-merch-store/ Mojang has been partnering for merchandise since 2011.
  20. It's not narrow at all. It's the only thing on record to go by... and guess what? There was merchandise for this game before Microsoft acquired the studio. I'm sure the game makes a ton more revenue with microtransaction introduced mid 2017.
  21. I don't think it matters. The next Xbox will be backwards compatible and based on Microsoft's efforts they'll up the visuals for a new Xbox hardware release in 2020... unless the next Xbox doesn't come until 2021. They could launch it with an expansion to Halo Infinite which would should be enough to push new hardware.
  22. I think we're going to see what it's all about at E3 2019. I can't see Microsoft skipping out on Halo in 2019... they need their #1 franchise to keep up Xbox One sales.
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