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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. You're talking about adding costs to replace something that is already cost effective. Installing games entirely or partially is at the developers discretion.
  2. This patent is associated with this product in Japan, the Sony Toio. https://www.slashgear.com/sony-toio-is-a-mashup-of-tiny-cube-robots-and-game-consoles-14488426/
  3. Sony is about to surpass 90m units sold, they're not making a hybrid console. lol If anything they'll release a new portable system, which they've already stated they're still looking into.
  4. ...hyped UWP? What a massive flop that turned out to be.
  5. Honestly don't see that happening. It's cheaper to stick with disc based media and do tricks to speed up load times like they do now. I'd be surprised if this is being designed for their next console.
  6. I don't think it's a devkit at all. It looks more like a redesigned PS4 Pro if anything.
  7. They claim it's a PS5 devkit. https://rozetked.me/articles/3855-eksklyuziv-foto-prototipa-sony-playstation-5 Edit: Shit's fake.
  8. Might as well find a PlayStation TV and hack it.
  9. It's obvious you've been researching this game... because it's Microsoft's trojan horse this holiday season.
  10. I don't think anyone is in disagreement about Turing being a beast, but that doesn't mean it's not a pile of shit. NVIDIA had plenty of time to continue working on developing this further. This generation of NVIDIA cards might be their worst since the 700 series.
  11. I bet you really wish this was about AMD vs. NVIDIA so you have a little more leverage. How unfortunate for you that that is not the case and no one cares. These new NVIDIA GPUs are still dumpster fire status.
  12. I never said I was waiting for anything, but thanks for beta testing.
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