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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. The next Xflop is gunna be gweat. That's what they said about Xflop dOne.
  2. Based on what I've read is that Nintendo has a stock pile of Switch consoles at the moment. I think they're sitting on them for Pokemon/Smash sales.
  3. Agreed. Over time, for sure. Might as well +1 it because I've got mine on the way. TLHBR.
  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/japan-stocks-close/nikkei-falls-as-nvidias-poor-results-dent-chip-sector-nintendo-dives-idUSL4N1XR2HD
  5. https://www.thurrott.com/xbox/192184/microsofts-building-a-disc-less-xbox-one-for-release-in-2019
  6. Sounds like OsirisBlack is dismissing the reddit user as fake.
  7. This seems like a Spring 2020 release then, no? Sounds like an announcement, then a reveal and a release shortly thereafter ala PS4.
  8. You mean the PS3 that still outsold Xbox 360 despite being a year behind? PS3, PS4 Pro and Sony's E3 2018 are all significantly more successful than anything Microsoft has done in the last decade. PS3 won last generation, PS4 Pro has the best looking games and Sony's E3 2018 showcased the most impressive games visually and bleeding edge gameplay technology.
  9. It was actually 6.5 year old console when PS4 was announced. What you stated was about an announcement and saying no way they'd wait 8-12 months... but it's exactly what they did with PS4. Not saying it'll be the same with PS5, but in the past Sony did say they'd like to announce new hardware and release shortly thereafter.
  10. What does that have to do with anything? The PS4 was announced with no price, reveal or pre-order in February.
  11. So early 2019 announcement and a release window of 8-12 months after announcement. Hmm.
  12. lmao, what a joke. Microsoft is going to be running another PS4 3rd party sizzle reel.
  13. Not only will the One X be getting smoked by the PS5, but by the time the PS5 comes out the One X might actually have a game on it that looks better than Sony's first party exclusives on PS4 Pro... if not it'll be the most worthless under utilized flop in the history of consoles.
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