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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Xflop streaming doing so poorly JonB jumped on PC streaming.
  2. Xbox One is officially worse than the Wii U. At least my Wii U had exclusives to play.
  3. So basically Ubisoft's PS4 sales are better than Xbox One, PC and Switch combined. Nice.
  4. PS4: 332K - 348K (=340K ?) NSW: 260K XB1: 213K - 216K (=215K ?) Totals Jan-Oct 2018 PS4: 3048K (+14% YoY) NSW: 2505K (-4% YoY) XB1: 2083K (+35% YoY) PlayStation
  5. Waiting for JonB to come in and laugh at you playing 15 year old games with your $1200 GPU.
  6. No one said it wasn't selling or pushing hardware. Based on the tweets it doesn't line up with my personal prediction which is what I initially said.
  7. "Noteworthy impact" isn't exactly what I was predicting. I was thinking Switch hardware would be flying off the shelves. Time will tell.
  8. I've said this from the beginning. This is the generation to skip.
  9. Damn so maybe Pokemon Let's Go isn't a system seller after all.
  10. Microsoft is the most clueless publisher and console manufacturer in history.
  11. Wrong. It's been a year and still no one gives a flying fuck about Xflop One X. Xbox was a mistake.
  12. The next Xflop is gunna be gweat. That's what they said about Xflop dOne.
  13. Based on what I've read is that Nintendo has a stock pile of Switch consoles at the moment. I think they're sitting on them for Pokemon/Smash sales.
  14. Agreed. Over time, for sure. Might as well +1 it because I've got mine on the way. TLHBR.
  15. https://www.reuters.com/article/japan-stocks-close/nikkei-falls-as-nvidias-poor-results-dent-chip-sector-nintendo-dives-idUSL4N1XR2HD
  16. https://www.thurrott.com/xbox/192184/microsofts-building-a-disc-less-xbox-one-for-release-in-2019
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