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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. So dumbfounded and exposed to Xbox's failures you have no clue what quality is anymore.
  2. No, by getting away from Microsoft and releasing trash games like Dead Rising and Lost Planet and other massive mistakes ala Xbox One. Looks like they're focusing on quality and looking to Sony to lead the way starting with RE2.
  3. Looks like Capcom is trying to pull a Sony. I expect Capcom to stop producing trash games meant for Xbox and start focusing on quality games meant for PlayStation.
  4. Damn... we still have Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us II, Death Stranding, Days Gone... Xbox is dead. Sea of Shit, State of Dumpster Fire 2...
  5. So... God of War sold 3.1m units in 3 days, this sells 3.3m units in 3 days. Sony's first party is unmatched.
  6. This will score and sell better than State of Theflop 2.
  7. Looks like it'll be best on PlayStation.
  8. Microsoft should just off load the Banjo IP. They literally killed Banjo Kazooie.
  9. I've been saying that for a while. Vulkan is a beast and that's why I praised AMD for it all. Vulkan is basically AMD technology.
  10. pweeze pay attenshun to me remipee chrytre
  11. Nah dude, it's more powerful than a 1080.
  12. Lemmings. http://www.grac.or.kr/Statistics/Popup/Pop_ReasonInfo.aspx?2ef37dafa0a576352e6da9c8264fcaf7a6c813a6a053e8e5ec12581d53453bb0
  13. Well, I mean like most reviewers are saying that currently, but as you well know this is a pretty infant product. I'm not really considering shelling out $1000 for this thing in its current state. I'm really not that impressed with it even if it didn't have ray tracing. I'm going to wait and see, but it looks like a generation to skip. The 1080 Ti should be sufficient enough until PlayStation 5 and Xflop Two come out... at that point it might be worth moving on from the 1080 Ti.
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