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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. You're only disregarding the fact that violent people do get through our borders and United States born and become citizens care about keeping these type of violent people out.
  2. https://weeklyad.target.com/promotions?code=Target-20181101&lnk=PreviewtheBlack&page=17
  3. There's plenty of jobs in Texas that can be filled by these people, so I'm not so sure anyone is afraid of taking them. As long as they're contributing to society in positive meaningful way and paying taxes no one cares. The problem is the infestation of gang related dipshits making their way in... MS 13 has been an issue for years and part of that caravan contains a hefty amount of people from El Salvador. Not saying everyone is MS 13, but these people need to be screened heavily for criminal backgrounds before making it into "our" society. We already have enough crime from these "illegals" a
  4. Apparently the troops aren't able to do much from what I understand. They should be there to keep things in order while these people, potentially, go through the refugee/asylum process. This isn't the first time from what I've read... thing is I live in Texas and I've never heard of them completely closing it down until now since everyone is bringing up when the borders were closed off to migrants.
  5. It's the worst console I've ever owned next to Wii U.
  6. https://gematsu.com/2018/11/esrb-rates-sunset-overdrive-for-pc
  7. I agree. HDR is the most significant visual advantage of this generation. The games that do this right look insane.
  8. Rockstar is fail at checkerboard? Will be interesting to see how it turns out. Still haven't picked this up.
  9. Exclusives don't sell consoles, amirite lemmings?
  10. Will outscore the majority of Xflop fauxclusives this year.
  11. Nah, I haven't even bought the game yet. Shit, I haven't turned on my One X or Pro for a while because work is currently consuming all of my time. With holiday coming up everyone is doing last minute preparations and buckling down for online retail traffic.
  12. Well then you can't really go wrong with a Vega 64 @ 1440p. $400 is a good price for this card assuming it's a quality AIB.
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