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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Literally the last thing to do in the PC space is fanboy for PC component manufacturers.
  2. @DynamiteCop! I'd just wait for Navi, but if you really need a shiny new card then a Vega 64 @ $400 is pretty good.
  3. Who knows, I imagine yields are horrible with a die that size, but what do I know. I'll be waiting to see what Navi for PC is all about.
  4. Sony raised the forecast to from 16 to 17.5 million and they're being conservative.
  5. Even your blatant lying about the sales still doesn't make the system look any better than what it really is... a massive disappointing flop. At this point, Microsoft is probably preparing to count in their Xbox One DC blades as units sold.
  6. 10% So 10% of 30 million. 3 million wallet raped lemmings will be playing with a few extra pixels, while 27 million self owned lemmings will be playing the worst version.
  7. Yeah, add another ~90K from Japan and maybe, MAYBE, 1m other.
  8. This thread is disgusting now. Bunch of conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at each other. Meanwhile, a bunch of migrants are marching towards our borders wanting to cross into the US illegally.
  9. This is like homeboy from Microsoft saying 800p games were 1080p. TLHBR.
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