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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Well, I guess they could announce their entrance into being a 3rd party like Microsoft did this week instead.
  2. Uh oh, Lemij_ has come out to play. Hopes and Dreams indeed.
  3. It doesn't matter. It's the fact that name changes can be done. Most people have moved on from PS3/Vita.
  4. I've been to a few Microsoft data centers and I know plenty of people that run and maintain their DCs locally. I've also been to a few other data centers outside of Microsoft. Have you ever been to a Microsoft data center and see how it operates or architected a new network from the bottom up... literally from layer 1 to 7? I didn't think so. They stated 54 because that's the only places their Azure cloud regions are. Trust me, they have more than that. I can already see some that aren't listed.
  5. lol, it's not as easy as you think, and no they won't be deploying these in every data center because some of them aren't even public. I know how big data centers are, I've been in them more than I'd like, and a lot of Microsoft's data centers are a lot of the time filled to the brim with routers, switches, dedicated firewalls, load balancers, IPS, WAF, hyper visors (for Azure), storage, backup systems, management systems, UPS, and most of all a shit ton of servers for their biggest products like Office 365... and not to mention Xbox Live servers. We're talking about hypervisors and load balan
  6. Maybe, we'll see. Encoding/decoding/latency stuff is going to be exactly what everyone else has been doing, so I wouldn't expect much from that. The biggest advantage is Microsoft has datacenters... a fuck ton of them. So the service could be launched worldwide on launch day unlike PlayStation Now. Though, of course, they probably won't be filling up every single DC they have with these new Xbox blades since, well, it requires space/power and not every datacenter is even listed publicly by Microsoft.
  7. Yeah, that's definitely a One S board. Though, I find it funny that Microsoft announces their game streaming endeavor as if its never been done and they're pioneering it.
  8. Oh is it S boards? I thought it was One X. Even better for them since those are even cheaper.
  9. The fact that Microsoft is using Xbox One X boards for their streaming service says a lot. That kind of surprised me a bit because I was for sure thinking they were going to basically do what NVIDIA and Google are doing now for their services, but instead they went the route Sony did and is bringing the "console experience" to streaming and not the PC experience. It's probably to save a lot of money, but at the same time the One X makes more sense to use from a development and support standpoint. Will be interesting to see how it all works out.
  10. The funny thing is that Microsoft isn't dominant at all in the PC gaming space. I bet their revenue is complete and utter garbage in comparison to Steam and GOG. Microsoft doesn't get money for each game sold on those services... Windows just so happens to be the dominant OS that people use for gaming and those services. Why do you think Microsoft created the Microsoft Store and UWP? So they could get a piece of the pie like they do from sales on the Xbox Marketplace. Too bad the Microsoft Store is complete shit.
  11. Can't wait to play their new game using the xCloud app on Switch.
  12. Death Note (Netflix) was horrible as fuck. But yeah, L should have been true to the anime/manga. Otherwise, Death Note (anime) was fuckin' great.
  13. It just goes to show you that Sony's first party is on another level. Power means nothing if you're too incompetent to utilize it.
  14. I wish they would make it semi-service based or at least support the title for several years before bringing in something new. Their community will follow it no doubt, Forza's community is just as passionate as Gran Turismo's. It seems to be working for Gran Turismo with these monthly car and track packs for free and then some microtransaction shit on the side. I'm not very fond of the subscription thing.
  15. Support? They're overhauling the whole game based on community feedback. You might as well call it Forza Motorsport 8 because lets be honest, there's not much difference between 6 and 7 besides menus and obviously core gameplay "enhancements", yet the community thinks otherwise. This is why most people, especially those who stream and play these games religiously, prefer Gran Turismo Sport and it's online. It's much more "mature" and much more motorsports focused. I think Turn10 might be going this route based on what the creative director said. Nothing wrong with that.
  16. https://sagamer.co.za/2018/10/05/dont-expect-forza-motorsport-8-next-year-fm7-is-being-completely-overhauled
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