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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Let's try this again. PUBG is like the worst example of an X1X multiplat out. PS. There's nothing you can do about it.
  2. Exactly. They were perfectly fine with 900p and framerate issues early on, but now that Microsoft scrambled to rush out the One X so they could say they are the best in something, which as negligible as it may be, it is really all the lemmings have left. Like lostfool says, "dat extra blade of gwass ".
  3. I already know you have a One X. The maximum current gen experience would be replacing that shitty platter drive with an SSD, SATA III of course, like I did.
  4. Go ahead, please keep letting us know how amazing this game looks on PlayStation 4.
  5. The funniest shit about this being lameshits splurging over how great it looks and that all the footage captured is from the PlayStation 4 version of the game. They're even linking to videos saying how "phenomenal" it looks.
  6. So effective I'm able to keep reeling your dumbass in every single time. So you must be just as slow.
  7. There's nothing backwards about it. Xbox One is literally the worst performing piece of hardware and is the most sold unit.
  8. This isn't about the software, dipshit. This is about the One X being a non-factor in reality and that being the sad, but unfortunate truth for the lemmings.
  9. What an embarrassing thread and individual. Everything will always be worst on Xbox thanks to the OG and One S. Acting like everyone owns a One X... not even 5-10% of the total Xflop market consists of that underwhelming POS.
  10. lmao, lameshits would die for this kind of experience. They all hyped up VR when Microdick was pushing it and as soon as they killed the project they all pretended to not be interested anymore. Lemmings are the dumbest of the dumb.
  11. You dumbass. Cows have been playing superior multiplats for half a decade. You're not even a year into having negligible enhancements undoubtly held back by it's retarded brother. Not to mention there still isn't an Xflop dOne X game that looks better or performs better than a first party Sony game. You're on a borrowed time. Be a good little lemshit and go play 20fps PUBG.
  12. Next 2-3 years I'll be playing on a new system. Go play PUBG @ 20fps, dipshit.
  13. GamePass is a joke. 90% of the games are old shitty 360 games.
  14. PlayStation is the best way to go. This is not even arguable.
  15. It doesn't really even look that good... I mean was that last boss or miniboss at the end supposed to be impressive? This game reeks of Xflop quality level of software.
  16. http://sadsquarestudio.com/pages/visage.html https://store.steampowered.com/app/594330/Visage/
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