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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. lynux3


    I was expecting something funny.
  2. Rofl, none of these lemshits pay Failo. The game is as dead as the faction.
  3. This isn't a new rumor. If this does happen it's simply for yield reasons.
  4. So not only is the PS4 able to render lemtear puddles, but render lemmings speechless.
  5. lmao, this thread was dead as a rock for 3-4 hours before anyone bit on your bait.
  6. Holy FUCK this game is BRUTAL on God of War difficulty.
  7. Yeah it is. Pleasantly surprised about how nicely everything flows together in the design. I played for 7 hours straight yesterday and I barely scratched the surface it seems like.
  8. Damn that sucks. Hopefully your save got uploaded, lulz.
  9. Amazon just dropped my copy off. Time to get started.
  10. "Is that pic not the cutest thing ever?" "Ha yeah, I saw that a couple days ago" "I saw that a couple days ago" "couple days ago"
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