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Posts posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. 1 hour ago, Cooke (not admin cant help said:

    yes. and by blurring out the audience its probably easier to make the single character more detailed vs 100. 






  2. A fascinating dispatch from Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair, who cites “two Republicans briefed on the family conversations” in reporting that Donald Trump Jr is worried by his dad’s car-ride-and-tweet-storm response to being hospitalised with Covid-19:




    ‘Don Jr has said he wants to stage an intervention, but Jared and Ivanka keep telling Trump how great he’s doing,’ a source said. Don Jr is said to be reluctant to confront his father alone. ‘Don said, ‘I’m not going to be the only one to tell him he’s acting crazy,’’ the source added.


    One area where the family seems united is over the president’s manic tweeting early Monday morning. After Trump sent out more than a dozen all-caps tweets, the Trump children told people they want Trump to stop. ‘They’re all worried. They’ve tried to get him to stop tweeting,’ a source close to the family told me.




    Sherman also notes that “last night the New York Times reported that steroids, which Trump is reportedly taking, specifically dexamethasone, are known to ‘affect mood, causing euphoria or a general happiness’, and added a paragraph about “a long history in the Trump family of denying serious illness”.



    “According to a Trump family friend,” Sherman wrote…



    …Trump’s father, Fred Trump Sr, insisted on working even after his Alzheimer’s disease advanced in the 1990s … Every day Fred Sr would go to the office in Brooklyn and they would give him blank papers to sort through and sign. The phone on Fred’s desk was set up so that it could only dial out to his secretary. “Fred pretended to work,” the family friend said.



    On Saturday night, the White House released pictures of Trump at work at Walter Reed. The internet noticed that a paper he was signing in one shot appeared to be blank.



    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the White House did not immediately comment. :woody:

  3. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    That's alot of people to keep track of.


    Because they'd also have to keep practice squad players in some sort of bubble so that they can call them up as replacements.


    Well practice squad is one thing, they expanded it this year from 12-16; you could put them into a bubble (or limit travel) between their hotel, training facility, team bus, (plane if needed) as you could conceivably limit their possible exposure.



    One issue becomes the free-agent you bring in to fill the - now empty; roster spot on the practice squad, and the sheer number of people involved in an NFL team, and all the possible contagion points along the way.


    The coaches staff can be as small as 15, as large as 35, then trainers, front office/operations staff, and then every other person they can encounter in their family, social circle, and strangers throughout the day.


    I'm honestly surprised they made it to week 4 before any personnel or players caught covid-19 during the season (I'm aware that players, and Sean Payton; and may seem to indicate that people became lax around following the protocol (just look to the NBA :killzone:) as the season continues.

  4. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    With a fan that big, it could theoretically fly away.


    And ascend, to heaven.:blessed:


    Meanwhile lemmings still waiting at the terminal for those 2 people they've been calling over the PA for the last 45 minutes.




    Paging Halo and Forza, last call, paging Halo and Forza; last call to board flight. 

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