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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. The memes have been the best thing to come out of all of this; well that, and the mental gymnastics displayed on r/joerogan, due to the apology he made over the forest fighters in Oregon. There's the video from Spotify (they've since pulled it down) about the workplace policies and LGBTQ+ acceptance below; which then spawned: Then the person in the spotify video with the blue hair, Bard; was picked up and added into memes of all variety.
  2. JonB has reverse motion sickness; if he doesn't spend enough time on the jerry-go-round he starts to get a bit frazzled; as evident by his claim that GD is somehow Jehurey.
  3. Let's start with 6.0's and then move our way up from there, ok?
  4. You've got that right; millions won't be touching an Xbox yet again.
  5. I've put it off several times, due to its length. Meanwhile, I'm simultaneously playing Ace combat 7 and Metro Exodus.
  6. Oh well good, if you're ordering two, and Spicoli orders 5, then we don't need to get one; right?
  7. You're looking for the following: 16 GB ram. Minimum. Dual SSD slots (typically you get an NVME drive, and then a 2.5 SATA) a sold Intel CP. Note: The 10K Intel series CPU's have the potential to get really hot - so keep an eye on that during your reviews; not a guarantee, just something to look out for. As many USB Thunderbolt 3 ports as possible. For your needs you're gonna want them, and a lot of entry-level mid-tier laptops can get shorted here. Strong battery life: when set to battery+wifi it, should be 4.5 h
  8. wow, Butker coming up 3 times in a row. 1st time is called for a false start; 53 becomes 58 yrds. 2nd time a timeout is called, goes left but stays within. 3rd time, essentially down the middle.
  9. Holy fuck the list in this thread is unreal! Also:
  10. lmao, wow. What a colossal fuck up from Atlanta.
  11. Oh what's this, the on-side kick worked?
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