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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. I know, but the foliage is different in this one, plus I get to shoot Honky's. However at this point, Ubisoft is the last AAA Dev/Publisher that still makes decent titles. I mean EA? Or how about Bethesda?!
  2. I still have to play/complete Farcry 5 - only about 2 hours in...
  3. Yes, clearly that was the lesson learned I was going for.
  4. To be fair, if they didn't argue for the best versions, it would essentially remove the lemming faction; it's their Alamo - and we all know how that turned out...
  5. Yet, your last comment in the Chatlog is how you intend to engage in carnal activities with them. So very confused.
  6. Except the current Xbox is like the current iteration of DMX - it's all just rather sad at this point.
  7. There we go; that's the DC (DynamiteCop and/or Damage Control) we're all used too.
  8. Then they can sell a Michael Vick LE/CE that comes with an in-ground pool which doubles as the fight pit.
  9. EA has been fucking up so bad lately, I mean if they had done the same: Released a remastered a Bad Company 2 it would have done Iron Man numbers. Instead we got an incomplete and lackluster Battlefield 5 In the last year their shares have fallen from a high of $146.00 in July 2018, all the way down to $76.00, and now currently sits at $95.00. But shareholders most likely won't like the news of Anthem under performing when the Q2 results come out by end of March.
  10. I will say this, while lemmings have no games, and thus no reason to make the console attractive; we (other factions) can at least see a path forward for something like Hobopa...erm, Gamepass. Let's face it, Sony has a terrible (and I mean TERRIBLE) record when they try to push something as the industry standard. In the last 30 years they gave us the Walkman, and Blu-Ray...
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