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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Sorry, Hotsauce already had the hottest take in this thread.
  2. This is you watching How Stella Got Her Groove Back in real time; in 2019. If you had shown up in 2005-2009 he would have owned you so that only memes would have followed your responses, and not actual written-out responses. Consider yourself very lucky to have met BodyCount at a time where all his ownage from the previous decade, ended up so that he was obliged to pay it all back. Truly, the Power of the X - to take down such a legend, only speaks about those deep, dark depths where the Xbox currently resides.
  3. That's a horrific line-up of (in most cases) hype, cancellations and/or delays, and the eventual letdown; all while you justify the purchase of your chosen console based on that actual lineup.
  4. Apart from Spicoli - and his four (or is it now 5?); Xboxes attached to various household appliances, every lemming games on other platforms. Bhtyre talks about PSVR in the Gaming Thread, DC has everything in a basement that looks like what a 13yr old might imagine NASA Launch Control looks like from their perspective, even JonB bought a Dell and promptly upgraded it. Lemmings
  5. Alliance of American Football, it's a league that consists of 8 teams...
  6. That's what you reply with when you have no interest; some figure that is most likely a sum that exceeds multiple team's payroll. He'd gladly take a backup roll just to get back into the league.
  7. I saw some gig. of him on dancing with the stars doing that exact dance, so he had that; previously I've never known what he been up to until those early-2000's photos of him jacked up.
  8. Arguing about textures in a game that's only worth it due to the Gamepass promotion currently on offer
  9. The Crackdown 3 thread is stickied, no amount of forum spam is gonna knock it down into page 2
  10. Lemmings finally get a stickied thread for an exclusive title, but as is typical with how this generation has panned out for them it's at their expense.
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