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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Tortondo Also, Hottysauce you mentioned being in Florida, has that always been the case? I thought originally you lived in T., no?
  2. So anyways, he had a fantastic game tonight, the fact he scored 44 overshadowed how great he was on the defensive side as well.
  3. this is how meme's are brought into this world...
  4. The story of Hermit's who buy into 1st generation/1.0 technology every time.
  5. This new Raptor's team This turn-around during the Wizard's game Jeremy Lin's no look passes
  6. Alright, this thread can't get any better, Remij better get in here and lock it
  7. Dude, I revisited X-men (animated series) and I forgot how political it was for its time. Jubilee's parents turning her into the government, Beast working with receptive members of the senate for fairer treatment of Mutants.
  8. Lego, nothing was better growing up in the 90's. While my friends had a mixture of toys (Hotwheels, Model trains, Ninja turtles action figures, Ghost busters backpacks and traps, G.I. Joe figures; I asked for Lego. I had amassed a collection of over 35K pieces, and had everything from Pirate ships, to Castles, even Fort Legoredo.
  9. Yeah it never felt like it did 21 years ago when I initially played it, but that was the first ever l horror game I ever played; so the nostalgia could only ever touch what it first felt like. But LOL if you think we needed the original camera angles, and enemies to the correct count and in the exact location...
  10. I've had no time, or rather been to tired to game lately, so I ended up watch Gotham, and about to hit Season 3.
  11. Works wonders for my laptop, dropped it by 13C on my i5-8300, and now only spikes/peaks above 80C., but mostly stays in the 67-77 range. I thought I'd be obliged to reapply a better thermal paste, but alas now I can't be bothered.
  12. Each thread Aza makes about his personal life leaves me with a little intrigue, but mostly despair for the former Soviet nation.
  13. Not one of them has ever hooked me for more than a a period of a couple days. The Blackops Beta was fun, but then I realized I'm never going to invest serious time into it. Fortnite's building mechanism wasn't even the worst part; it was the 2/3 of your match you spent harvesting 'mats'. Ring of Elysium was fun for a few days, having a different series of kits, but due to the map and how the zones worked, only the hang glider was feasible. And PUBG's lack of optimization (sure you can tell me it's mostly resolved now) but it's still a mil-sim ga
  14. Good looking out , I saw that in the upcoming list.
  15. Yeah I was going to say, it looked kind of rough for PC when PS2/OG Xbox, followed by the 360/PS3 era was in full effect. The prevailing thought that due to rampant piracy PC was on its way out. However, due to the rising production costs of AAA caliber titles, and with the proliferation of faster internet speeds, and STEAM, it became profitable for Publishers to release games on PC, even if at a later date. Fast forward to the present, and we've never seen as many titles that were once console-exclusive now on the PC.
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