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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. I only mentioned it launched (and remains) incomplete.; nothing on the gameplay which I found was satisfying overall.
  2. Yeah hoping the ammo is just plentiful due to the setting; because that feeling when a game give you just half a clip at a time.
  3. Fuck the lemmings, but even I'll say their controller feels better than Sony's version.
  4. I finally got around to trying out the overhaul mod for Rome 2 - Divide et Impera, and well... It's deep enough to qualify for educational purposes, but does everything Rome 2 did, but better. Fantastic
  5. I never ended up getting Destiny 2, or into the universe; at all. Shame really, since it looks great, runs smooth, but it just had a world I never got into - despite the cool intro mission.
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