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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah no shit you'll look lean you've cut all the water out of your body - that's what bodybuilders do before their stage show, or MMA fighters/Boxers do to make weight. It's by no means a viable long-term solution; and you're body just going to retain all the fluids you put back into it...
  2. Even in WW1 they had a truce on Christmas Eve!
  3. Somebody was forced to work on Christmas eve, and brought rum to spike their eggnog
  4. Well at least in your guys' case it actually is Christmas.
  5. and goes or has gone; pick one
  6. Well I've got some time off so I may be able to get into it - now if I could just put down Warhammer...
  7. If it's anything like when I was tasked with adding them it shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes Although I told Cooke a month ago I would post the smileys
  8. Well for starters you can laugh at their entire "Mil Sim" rules and regulations that are self imposed. Secondly you can just be an all around asshat, firing too early, charging solo into the opposition's line infantry, and mic spam yourself.
  9. It's only just received it's first patch the other week, and yeah already down to $30 (Well $40 CAD - same difference) here, which is amazing; I'll look at picking it up in the spring sometime. Contrast that with Battlefield 1 and it wasn't this cheap until Christmas of 2017, over year later.
  10. Yeah if you take a look around the gaming market now, and look at the annual games put out, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, etc. And then the sports titles: FIFA, NBA 2K, Madden and all the extra shit that is sold on top of the game - and in many cases required - good luck playing Madden or 2K19 online without having spent additional money; you come to realization that there are sooo many game titles coming out that if you're able to avoid them you'll be better off. Take NBA 2K19 for example, you need to, (conservative estimate) spend about $40 to get your player into t
  11. I never posted there, or maybe I signed up but never lasted more than 2 weeks
  12. Even more = :disaTJ: = :elephant: = :rollytard: = :goofy: = :doc: = :kissytard: = :blackface: = :mrgrump: = :ph34r: = Edit: Well ok then. = :THHBR: = :88zelda: = created when Zelda got 8.8'd at GS. = :violin: - Not sure if we have the animated one.
  13. I did the intro and just one battle while you get up to the rock, so I'm like 15 mins in.
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