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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Oh, and it's not 40K players in one massive world, but servers with a player cap of 250
  2. After hearing everyone talk about it, and Low well doing whatever he was doing; I decided to pick it up Not quite sure if it's my Cup O' Tea...
  3. Yeah well maybe we can replace him with a Chris Hansen smiley.
  4. Well to be fair, Sea of Thieves was the killer of Sea of Thieves. But yeah, this game is badly a rehash of Ark it uses the same filenames, and the DLC appears in the menus for Atlus
  5. Got my "Well I'm snowed in here so let's roll! Christmas time film collection": Die Hard The Nightmare before Christmas Alien & Aliens (I tend to watch this around Xmas) Blues Brothers (An all-time classic) & Band of Brothers to round it out. Edit: Fuck it, gonna run the entire gamut of Alien movies. Probably even watch Predator's 1 & 2 But none of those AvP films
  6. yeah when the movie was approaching its release it's like we needed a joker version of nearly every smiley
  7. Part Three: = :flipper: = :the_fu: = :durr: :falloutzone: = :ebenda: :blankaben: = :benpire: @Ramza = :damn: = :DDance: = :dalben: = :cowgirl: = :borat: = :coolindiff: = :cooljokerkiss: = :blackmage: Edit: For some reason the direct upload puts a border around them; when I grab them from my attachments in my profile they appear
  8. I just found the folder on my old Netbook - holy shit! I forgot about so many; Like I said there are dozens of the Uncle Ben smiley. I think most of the Street Fighter roster was done for Ben. Give me a few mins to post the rest...
  9. I think somewhere I have the Quaker dancing guy with Bhytre's head super imposed on it
  10. These games inevitably attract a certain type of person, and I could see myself getting this to have 'fun' at their expense.
  11. Contrary to popular belief, I never deleted them, I just stopped hosting them (back in the day it cost money for me to host these) among some older images; and I had saved them since I knew Javier ran this place on a Compaq in his garage... @Cookester15 & @Alphonse = :pben: = :tardben: or :tben: = :monoben: = :gearsben: @Bodycount N = :freeben: = :unclefreeze: = :blankaben: = :ike: = :robb: = :robbgod: = :hdomo:
  12. This. Found it: https://www.polygon.com/2018/12/5/18127315/soulja-boy-handheld-console-emulator-souljagame
  13. They're all stored on my Netbook - which is in the closet; which is some three feet away from me, and and I'm waist-deep into a Warhammer 2 campaign.
  14. I've got to give Cooke all the old smileys (I saved them before I stopped hosting them) because there's dozen of Ben smileys.
  15. Petarded did a lot too, most of the laughing smileys; pretty sure he did the original Ben, and may of the variants: I think he also clipped this from that Xbox advert.
  16. That's the beauty of SW; once a meme become infamous with any game or moment it will forever be revived. There can be no future Crackdown threads without that obligatory image from @Quad Damage going forward
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