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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Stock price was $148 in July, now it's $76 - when I posted this last month it was $84....
  2. It's the console it's not going to be on.
  3. What's more cringey though? That a person would refer to their race in the third person, or that they went out into a social situation, and some middle-aged broad is drinking box white wine at a fucking store!
  4. It's so great how your signature is looking up in a state of bewilderment and wonder at the stupidity of the post.
  5. Lemmings, they're lemming, not real consumers; they've feasted on scraps and multi-plats all gen. Why put effort into their games now?
  6. That's their game!? They need to cancel this, disavow this game, and bury it next to the E.T. cartridges in the desert. You can tell this is going to be trash by virtue of how they claim it's campaign gameplay, but in reality it's set pieces they decided upon, and spliced together - not an organic playthrough. This is the bullshot equivalent to a "First 15 minutes of Gameplay" videos. Just Cause 4 got a 6.0 at Gamespot, this is Just Cause w/ Terry Crews. Holy shit, Xbox sucks Remember, The be
  7. Good for them, they fully deserve it.
  8. Never understood why you would play this game on the Switch, I suppose because you can take it portable? But what's the point in a playing an FPS running at 30FPS, never mind the drops into the twenty's...
  9. Oh it also comes in green as well. I suppose that's the Lemming Damage Control Brigade?
  10. Obligatory memes before we post the godly vavle deals & acquisitions.
  11. Yeah same, I wrapped up Subnautica in 3 days so I could continue onward with my slew of games.
  12. Fair enough, I was going to get it, but Phantom Doctrine is the same style of game, so I didn't want two of them on the go simultaneously.
  13. JonB how you liking Mutant Year Zero?
  14. I love how he definitely won't take this personally - subsequently claim ownage; but someone will get dragged into a multi-page argument and we all get owned for investing time into reading it.
  15. C'mon bro, when you're quoting a guy going: "Well _________ dies " or; "There's ________ Orbs " I mean can you just not do that, and take that to another thread? Why even bait in this thread?
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