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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah by the way you listed the versions, and news over Playstation's censorship, it seemed like they're getting a re-worked version.
  2. So good to watch them bask in their own self-confidence, so much so that they'll post 3 times in rapid succession.
  3. $49.99, such value But yeah also this; plus those are the current discounted prices. Microsoft is just applying the MSRP to increase the value to lemmings for, what are we calling it now? Oh, Hobopass
  4. It's not that he simply said "Oh there are orbs in the game", it's that he listed the amount, was asked not too, then mentioned a character who dies; again after being told not to post anymore game related knowledge. And the end of the day, it's the what are you playing thread; not the: Can we get a 30+ year old man to behave like an adult? It's among one of 3 threads (Watching, Photo album) where we don't bait, troll or malign other members.
  5. What a godly era that was. I wasn't even a wrestling fan but it had so much attitude and the dialogue was hilarious - this was around middle school for me, so us kids would always quote these wrestlers from the previous night.
  6. Just wrapped up Subnautica, what a great experience that was! It was one of the only survival games I found that didn't require an extreme knowledge of the minutiae or take it to the extreme. The exploration, and depths were gripping - never really a dull moment; and also it felt rewarding allowing you to progress in the story. I think I clocked in around 36-38 hours as well. If you haven't picked it up from the Epic Games Store, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
  7. I went back and played Bioshock after having played Bioshock: Infinite, and surprisingly it holds up well. This is mostly due to the low-light, small levels, and godly water effects; So in VR this could work quite well. Infinite just didn't have the challenge that the original offered; I only once felt overwhelmed or underpowered during Infinite, whereas that was how most of Bioshock functioned; even late game with a plethora of upgrades to your weapons and plasmids. Edit: Well then
  8. I'm very deep into Subnautica now; there's more to the story than I thought - that's for sure. holy shit this game is great!
  9. Its goes from: "This is such a wondrous environment with neon fishes, and bright coral!" Then you begin to explore a bit, and you go to : "Oh shit! Get away, get away!!!!"
  10. Subnautica is so vibrant & gorgeous Its certainly a different style of survival simulator; just got my first submersible, and now can stay under without the need to surface every 90 seconds - oh and already died once, as I didn't surface in time Oh for sure, I've seen some things man!
  11. Well you can't really bring up Sea of Thieves, without bringing up State of Decay; and you can't really bring that up without mentioning... well you know where I'm going with this
  12. Game 1 this year was Dope, but game two between the Lakers and Rockets was Harden was unstoppable.
  13. Most of those are just covers of English music, why not an actual Russian?
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