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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Nope, looks cool though. I wasn't really gaming in 2012, so there's quite a bit I missed from that era.
  2. Well in the majority of 2D games, you always go right to progress, a few times I've gone left (out of sheer curiosity) and been able to advance - so either the world allows you choose right or left without repercussion (which is ingenious); or I've simply chosen the correct path each time, which seems unlikely.
  3. HD in portable, pro controller packaged with it, along with the necessary peripherals - although part of me thinks Ninty will jack up the prices ; so maybe it's best if I buy my own SD card.
  4. Dude, this one isn't like any of those other ones, because I'm there with you - I'm not the greatest of fans of Metroidvania type games; but this is well 'different' you aren't getting frustrated with bosses, collecting loot, remembering where thing are. You are for a lack of a better word, experiencing it: the world, the music, the art style, the weather effects, the map and your direction - which as far as I can tell, you just 'go' to where you want to. Sometimes I go right, other times left. And here's the thing, there's no text, no dialogue, just a musical score, an
  5. Just as I finish one part and I'm like It's bring me to another where I go
  6. ^ Phenomenal thus far - just had some late lunch, no more phone calls; just me and this game
  7. Dude that is definitely the vibe I'm getting from this game thus far - only about 20 mins in so far! But everything from the art style, to the pastel colours used to the sheer scale is just a range of experiences from:
  8. Yeah I'm not sure why this was ever released for the Switch; I mean go read the STEAM reviews and people with beastly PC's still complain about low FPS during specific segments of the game: Large towns, big battles, etc.
  9. Well maybe you shouldn't be going to the gym after you dispose of the body in the everglades.
  10. This game! So turns out they 'released' a widescreen fix, which is just a .INI file edit - something people have already been doing to solve the issue, which is basically a text edit. https://www.gamerevolution.com/news/469603-fallout-76-widescreen-hack And that mod, previous to the 3 GB patch Bethesda released risked getting you banned.
  11. I used to get terrible migraines as a kid/teen, but thankfully they're a (very) rare occurrence nowadays.
  12. They're 5 games atop the Eastern Conference, it's December - which means another 50+ games to go; plus sitting him out diminishes the value of the scouts that other teams are sending in an attempt to poach him. I'd love to see him stick around for the long term.
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