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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah the issue most people had was the TTD - time to death; even EA have alluded to the fact that there may be bugs present within the TTD. But now they seem insistent on changing how game works by adding an additional bullet before people die. Combine that with the low ammo (I know they've added more since the Beta) and an increased TTK, makes it more difficult to kill those that you flank, and therefor reduces the efficiency of one of BF's most crucial strategies: The Flanking Maneuver. It just seems like they have far more pressing issues, add to that is you can st
  2. So this is the really good part: TL:DR version: n00bs suck so we're making it harder for you (the ever-dwindling fan) to enjoy our game, and adding an extra bullet before the enemy dies... Link here: https://www.reddit.com/comments/a5fa7u
  3. One of the most cringe worthy, yet hilariously awkward "Yes, holy shit this is really happening, and I'm watching it" moment of the show. Also Phil's damage control for the year the Xbox had was, well.
  4. The best part wasn't the awards show, it was the memes and awkward moments from the awards show.
  5. So by this logic, if Ninty's game takes less than 4 years to resolve their issues they'll come out ahead of the Lemmings and their flagship title? Will subscribe to the RSS feed.
  6. Part of that rapid growth/bandwagon, was me, I've never watched one before; didn't even know there was annual 4.5 hour event.
  7. Fantastic work, the undertaking required and historical significance of this; astounding.
  8. Dyed hair is the neck tattoo for those that are woke.
  9. Yeah I've got it and enjoyed the first 20 mins I played, but too many other games for me at the moment
  10. I thought about using stone, until I realized I would need google conversions for it
  11. Yeah it really did seem like an Epic game; fitting since the Iliad is a greek tale as well Also: Late to the party, but Far Cry 5
  12. However in the short term, Subnautica going to be free in two days One of those games on my (ever expanding) wishlist I never got around to playing yet.
  13. The one with the baby seat and cheerios is fucking hilarious! Edit: At first I thought it was just a .gif - nope, that's an actual video!
  14. 2 Multiplats, a pair of disastrous flops, and an actual movie collection. And they have the audacity to put god as a suffix to their name
  15. I particular enjoy how Lemmings claim this is gimmick gaming, discounting all the cool games that have since come out.
  16. Do we even have enough laughing smileys for this shit?
  17. This is really what's so telling about our current political climate. The Left watched that and went: Schumer and Pelosi made Trump look dumb yet again. The Right watched that and went: Trump made 'Cryin' Chuck' and 'MS-13 Lover Nancy Pelosi' look like the out of touch Democrats they are. Meanwhile you're government could very well be headed towards yet another shutdown... rofl.
  18. If you've got 45 mins, this is a pretty level headed discussion from various viewpoints.
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