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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Well Deeno didn't spell it correctly , but he mentioned him...
  2. Someone summed this entire debacle last week in a nearly perfect and succinct way about the entire Brexit deal offered by Theresa May. Remainers: "We want to go the Cinema!" Brexiters: "We want to go the Mall!" Theresa May: "Alright, We're going to the Zoo!" Remainers don't want anything to do with this deal for obvious reasons, and the Brexit crowd doesn't like the fact that they don't get out of the various European systems completely or fast enough,;add to the fact that they are none-too-pleased about Theresa May agreeing to paying the EU 39
  3. I'm two episodes in, and I'm digging it, and only had 8 episodes as well. Essentially it's about Poland in 2003, gearing up for the 20th anniversary of their 9/11 attack back in 83' - hence the title; and how those attacks unified the country, and essentially stalled communism from collapsing. The Soviets mind you are apparently very weakened, having fought an extended insurgency in Georgia (not spoilers just a nightly news clip to 'bring you up to speed' on the show's universe). The story is presented from various angles: A detective who was on the rise but ask
  4. Been playing some Phantom Doctrine, love the setting: 80's spy thriller X-Com style game. I went KGB agent first (you can also choose CIA for a different perspective; then Mossad once you've beaten the campaign) and need to learn a lot about what to spend my upgrade points on. I also like how the cutscenes are brief, and the story is brought to you during the mission. And the level of complexity it seems to offer is insane: - Skills & perks to improve your agents, in loads of ways. - Crafting new items, and finding loot during missions > then
  5. Gonna try this 1983 Series on Netflix - will report back.
  6. That's Aza's threads for you We either get two dozen of them on the front page, or one with cryptic information and a gleeful smiley.
  7. Yeah I ended up having to watch a few episodes of Let's Plays in order to understand how to progress in the game. But even then it's not very straight forward. From my understanding is that once you progress several more levels you leave that initial planet to do bigger and better things. But loot and combining/dismantling was another convoluted process I never fully grasped, and too many other games have now gotten in the way Try this guys first few episodes, because as I said, I was sooo lost until I watched what the hell I was suppose
  8. Yes, yes, you do. BTW, shoutout to @lodge (where ever he may be) for first drawing me into the show.
  9. Damn, I forgot about a bunch of titles: Three Kings We were Soldiers Hacksaw Ridge Mel Gibson might be nuts (and also has my favourite line from a leaked audio clip) but he does make a fantastic war film.
  10. Dunkirk - Apocalypse Now - Obligatory Enemy at the Gates - Das Boot - Thin Red Line - Clear Sunday's Schedule First
  11. I always fucked up waaay too early when I played Papers, Please. Give me an RTS, Turn-based Strat, or even FPS title, and I'm fine. Text based strategy games... :
  12. No more free games from last gen, so of course Lemmings would be pissed; that's where all their AAAE's come from!
  13. Oh and if anyone's wondering why no screens ? It's that the game watermarks your Origin Username thus it could be tracked back to you...
  14. I up'ed the difficult to Hard, and joined public matches, and apart from none of us knowing what to do when there wasn't shit to shoot at it was pretty fun. When you get a few other people dashing, shooting, and flying around while baddies spawn from the ground and out of caves it gets quite intense.
  15. But other than that, the suit you get does what It's advertised to do, and movement feels responsive.
  16. O just found it difficult to get the suit to go forward, perhaps I'm doing something wrong with regards to the suit, but you move with the arrow keys, and steers with the mouse, and it always wanted to steer me vertically - either straight up, or down. I found it extremely difficult to move forward along horizontal plane.
  17. I just found the controls forcing me to dive or ascend - found it difficult to get going in a straight line.
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