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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. K Pax John Wick 1 & 2 The Abyss Close encounters of the third kind Alien
  2. Part of me thinks yes. The other half knows it's EA and now with everyone who didn't even get in - let alone all those who were disconnected; trying to join simultaneously we could be into the same scenario all over again....
  3. Yeah I played the intro, and almost made it past there too. So far I've enjoyed the movement, although I had to tone down the flight mechanics as I was either dive-bombing or launching vertical. The ability to cool your jets by diving, or flying through the waterfalls was cool. The movement felt good - at least in that suit you start with. Otherwise, the sprint, dash, double-jump are features, as well as an ability to launch multiple rockets to take out a group of baddies was fun.
  4. The best part was Bhytre thinking it was going to be super hard or extraneous to remove those threads... Click, hit the trash icon
  5. True story: I watched a guy get his stream shutdown on Twitch in real-time, then heard about this. Although that guy had a different name. Edit: Also, I took some screenshots.
  6. Shaped like a J for Jesus That chick who is the principal is either batshit insane, or 'stupid like a fox' for getting an early (and extended) Christmas vacation.
  7. Also, never installed 3DMark on any of my computers; ever. #unbrokenstreaks
  8. I have no idea man, I was once given some Tylenol 3's for a tooth having been pulled, and I disposed of them. I don't take 'scrips, of any kind.
  9. So yeah uhhh get that shit checked out son.
  10. Yeah I got the part where he mentioned he can only get about 1/5 hard, but can still shoot; but this all occurred within 26 hours? Or is this something he's only noticed about a day ago?
  11. Wait what? You're saying you've recently OD'd and thus can't maintain an erection, or rather that you OD'd some time ago, and yet can't maintain an erection since then?
  12. The controls for PC are well... And yes, you would have to hold down ALL those controls to get it to roll in that direction: So you have to spell (and hold) WILD with your fingers to roll right... Controller required for sure
  13. Not since Shadowmario and Lostfool's alt's have I so eagerly awaited potential Mod abuse.
  14. I worked in a grocery store in my teens and Christmas fucking sucked, because from around Nov 25th, until we closed down at 6:00 PM on Christmas Eve is was endless Christmas music. All these years later, and I want it all banned.
  15. C'mon, the Switch is a far better console than the Wii, and you vociferously defended that console.
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