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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Plays & collects Tomb Raider editions, claims Mario titles are the same throughout the years.
  2. Yeah I'm stoked they're bringing back some of these PS2/Gamecube/Xbox Era titles: Killer7, Katamari, Pyschonauts (via Kickstarter originally) very cool.
  3. Yeah dude, I think you would seriously dig it; like you're gonna say to yourself: "You know what I got 30 free mins on a Friday night" Then two hours later you're going to be all like: "Well fuck it, it's already midnight, may as well play one more stage!"
  4. Capcom been bringin' it as of late. Although the music in game leaves a little to be desired
  5. I never 'got it' either, when I heard about it. That was until I took it home from where I worked and played it. Then I went through the following stages: >>> >>>
  6. Yeah Ireally can't add much beyond the aforementioned points regarding STEAM; other than to say I'm there's gonna be competition. Anthem Alpha coming up this weekend Subnautica free as of the 14th on Epic's Game Store. Steam Xmas Sale shortly thereafter Just acquired the following: - Frostpunk - Phantom Doctrine (really loving the 80's spy vibe) - Went KGB Agent first - Total War Warhammer 2 plus the DLC (fucking insane how much content is here ) To be honest, regarding the STEAM Xmas sale, I don't even know how
  7. [Well that last thread I made 20 mins didn't quite go as intended; you know, I should make another.]
  8. Meanwhile almost everyone else got some actual news to take home.
  9. No it just makes it a useless console. No AAAE's, No exclusive GOTY's. Hell, your new acquisitions don't have even have release dates in most cases. But hey, you did get Terry Crews talking to Terry Crews.
  10. Forza Horizon 4 on PC, Ashen on the Epic Games store
  11. I do think that this is a great way to go for the GOTY nominees.
  12. The amount of money Epic has made from Fortnite, I mean when do they buy their own island that launches rockets into space?
  13. I thought everyone bought else bought it when I did - when it was $4 on Steam. I like the weapons in the game, even had John Goodman as one of voices; but it was an actual fucking wasteland, devoid of any atmosphere.
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