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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah we had a pretty good year, could be better, but yeah good 2018, Gamepass - then mentioned State of Deca
  2. And that shit was either specifically written for the trailer, or it was a Soundcloud rapper who really loves Mortal Kombat with all those references to characters.
  3. Yeah and it's won every award its been nominated for - save for Obra Dinn. The oddest one was Best Narrative - I mean Detroit had that for sure. It had branching plot lines, and didn't drop you off on a Caribbean island midway through the game...
  4. Gonna be so good for Hermlords; hopefully STEAM starts dropping games with regularity too.
  5. Also Subnautica is going to be free on the Epic Store starting Dec 14th
  6. Oh here you are Lemmings, finally something besides a Forza content update.
  7. It's like Sea of Thieves if that game had... what are the words I'm looking for... Oh. Content & Scale.
  8. This guy's nervousness is quite funny. ahahahahah omg he just can't stop talking!
  9. Yeah from the guys that arguably made the last good fallout game.
  10. Gonna find out this Saturday/Sunday if this game is going to put Bioware back into my good graces.
  11. How about if you're vaping you're 4 more times likely to be a douche?
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