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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Seems like those paid for it will be separated from the Plebs https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/12/06/counter-strike-free-with-battle-royale/
  2. Yeah Tomb Raider is one of the those games that gets a massive bump in FPS depending on your VRAM - where as in most cases, the VRAM may provide 10-15% increase, Tomb Raider is nearly 50%... Here it is swallowing up nearly all the VRAM of a 1080 Founder's Edition.
  3. Game is now free, and includes a Battle Royale mode; queue the meltdown! https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_Global_Offensive/
  4. ^That's the actual link for it, plus a countdown timer to when it begins
  5. Yeah there's some awful lines in the trailer.
  6. Remember when we used to raid other places? IGN, Gamespot and NeoGaf
  7. Hey man, Lemmings have feelings too
  8. Bodycount's disdain for PC is for real, better believe it.
  9. Went into the HoF last week and after going through the entirety of the SW Flashback Nostalgia thread found that one @ghostz
  10. The only time I found out about it was on this laptop when I used CCleaner to wipe my browser history and got the following message: "Microsoft Edge is taking a long time to close. Would you like us to force close it for you?" So yeah
  11. Get out of my head Jehurey!
  12. So it's a post-apocalyptic setting? How great would it be if they basically made a better version of Fallout? Sure it's not going to have the lines of dialogue to select form, but neither does Fallout 76 Bethesda
  13. No 'gams', but plenty of 'gems'.
  14. Couple websites - including PushSquare reporting it, as Ubisoft was to announce the game prior to today's Games Award show.
  15. I'm playing as the Vampire Coast in Warhammer 2 - the latest DLC, and in my signature; and it's been a blast (in some cases literally) to use their units. This is gonna be fun time, and with four factions/Lords to play as, quite a lot of time to invest in. Media Screens:
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