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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. [Shudders] I'll take our 3 dozen remaining members over that, any day!
  2. Looks fun, I like these styles of games - Hotline Miami, Ruiner; and controlling a rampaging Gorilla looks equally great!
  3. @lynux3, but yeah this was posted the other day by @Twinblade Battlefield 5 is $30 for Owners of Previous games (BF1/BF4) and $40 for Everyone Else
  4. Cooke/Alphonse, so how about that clock to midnight on the main page where we can remove the Lemming faction? I'd say we just went from 5 mins to about 2 mins to midnight.
  5. Their last game they published was Overkill's 'The Walking Dead' flopped and doesn't sell, they file for reconstruction due to liquidity issues; and then several days later a CEO steps down, and then their offices get raided due to potential insider trading... And regarding insider trading, the stock had fallen from .70 to .05 in under a month.
  6. Yeah I got myself a laptop to play my 'must have' games, but looking to build a desktop around Q1 so cheaper parts the better.
  7. Mind you I say that, and I have bitch of a time trying to get that Tweet Aza posted to work I ended up having to open it on another tab, then copied the link. Went back into the thread and posted it.
  8. I find you have to post the link then double-tap the enter button, and wait for the tweet to load.
  9. That's the irony of the situation, for all the 'outrage' over females in the game (they we're already in BF1) it's just a poorly made game, that launched after a delay, and even then wasn't complete at launch.
  10. Battlefield 5 was in a way their simplest challenge in years. Making a Star Wars game that would be great and could compete with other online shooters, plus bring back the nostalgia of the classic Battlefront from 2005? That's tough. Create a buzz, and get solid sales around a World War 1 shooter which was sort of agreed that while it was a devastating conflict, was kind of boring from an online MP expererience. That's a real challenge. Re-create BF1942 -especially after CoD's WW2 entry that was entirely forgettable; and br
  11. Tweets should be embedded; not sure how you fucked that up Edit: there, fixed it for you.
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