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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Oh how the times have changed; back in the day, a 4-6 hour game was rife for ownage towards a faction. Now we're like "Phew, I might actually get through this one!"
  2. https://screenrant.com/playstation-5-release-date-rumors/ Early 2019?
  3. The irony of the shittiness of this game, is that the modders may help this game, and months later it may turn out decent. That being said, they might abandon the game entirely. The other thing, is while the graphics blow, it's a fallout title, so that was never why I played them to begin with; but the direction Bethesda took defies belief. I would have loved to been the proverbial fly on the wall in some of those production meetings because it defies logic that no one raised objections, or saw the shortcomings of Fallout 76 coming up during the development process.
  4. That's because they can't bury the Xbox under Asphalt like they did with Atari's E.T.
  5. Evidently, X is not 'gonna give it to ya'; at least by every measurable and quantifiable metric.
  6. Was a statement, not a question Meaning thanks for mentioning it, so I'll watch it next. Been years since I watched It's Always Sunny - probably not since season 6.
  7. I'm really digging this latest season of Narcos, the historical tie-ins are amazing: Sandinista's, the CIA, The Colombians. Just about to begin Ep.5
  8. "Thank you for calling Gamestop, this is Brian speaking."
  9. GamesRadar - 2.5 out 5 PROS + Intriguing new beasts to fight + Fascinating backstory to Appalachia + New regions broaden what the post-apocalypse can be CONS - Numerous technical issues - Engine is out-of-date (and it shows) - Most quests are transparently fetch quests - Lack of emotional depth to the (few) robot NPCs The Guardian: "A pointless walk in the post-apocalypse" 2 out of 5 Playstation Universe: 70
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