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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. It was a brilliant expose, reminds me of the Yes Men, from a decade ago.
  2. I meant Alex, as in Alex Trebek; hence the structure of my sentence...
  3. lol, so both Chris Collins AND Duncan Hunter were re-elected?
  4. That would be: "Who played Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy."
  5. A recount in Florida? Never heard of that
  6. Why, you thought you were going home tonight?
  7. How is it a stupid thing to say, and not a viable strategy that the GOP is currently undertaking? Mitch McConnell stonewalled Merrick Garland, got Gorsuch into Scalia's seat, and stuck with Kavanaugh through the allegations to get another Conservative judge. And it wasn't ownage, it was self-ownage.
  8. Yeah that was BS, but don't pivot away from your self-ownage.
  9. So you're admitting to having communist ties?
  10. Not necessarily; like I mentioned earlier. Yes, the House can open investigations, and issue subpoenas, but with the GOP majority in the Senate, trump can safely dump Jeff Sessions, install a new AG, and remove Rosenstein. on top of that, Trump can now also claim each time nothing is passed legislatively, that it's all Nancy Pelosi's fault for the Dems controlling Congress.
  11. If you listen to the clip, she explains that "they take back the house, the senate, and the White House and pack the court". The tweet above takes it out of context to make it seem like she specifically said just get Congress and we get SCOTUS.
  12. Memes aside, the fact that Beto lost by 3% is insane; I mean Cruz won Texas last time by a large double digit amount. The thing is I'm not so sure if this is a demographics shift in Texas - meaning Texas is turning Purple; I think we'll have to wait until 2020. But it also shows that Cruz is severely damaged as a candidate, I mean you won by just 3%? That dude is getting primary'd in 2020.
  13. Also, Gillum just conceded to DeSantis.
  14. How do you not understand that one? She won a primary against an establishment democrat (Joe Crowley), in a heavily democratic district (The Bronx and Queens). Once the primary was over it was effectively her seat.
  15. I was trying to think of that game from a few gens back!
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