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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah and that's what I see, your country further entrenching itself. But like Jehurey said, the House goes to the dems, meaning the Dems control the House Intel Committe, and the Oversight Committee, taking it away from Devin Nunes, and Trey Gowdy respectively - so they'll (Dems) run their investigations. the Republicans and White House will decry this as a 'Witch Hunt'. However, with the Senate in control of the GOP, the White House can boot out Jeff Sessions, install another Attorney General, pry the investigation away from Rosenstein and it would appear you are now e
  2. If you two plan on this, could you just go the Politics thread?
  3. NBC just projected Ted Cruz as the winner of Texas.
  4. Most projections had the Dems winning the House, and the Republicans retaining/gaining a majority in the Senate. The issue was always how many seats would go blue for the house, and how many Senate seats could the GOP pick up?
  5. Well the latest from Nate Silver at 5-3-8 is reporting it's likely a +34 for Dems in the House. https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2018-election-results-coverage/
  6. It's because they need the value that the rims provide for more
  7. Andrea Mitchell was on NBC saying she just got a text from a Democratic Congressman who said they Dems are now worried they may not even gain control of the House.
  8. It's looking like Rick Scott AND DeSantis will win in Florida - although still early projections, but around 50%-54% reporting.
  9. If I recall correctly, @-GD- is part of the production, either the guy that mans the board; or the one that talks into your earpiece.
  10. And much like SW, we know which one Deeno went with
  11. It's stunning to watch the both of them (Fox Vs. NBC), the discussion on NBC are willing to talk & discuss about where both parties are doing stronger or weaker than projected. Fox has very little introspective looking into how Trumps immigration speeches versus his lack of discussion with regards to the Economy: especially the strong numbers that came out last Friday. Fox News Live Stream: NBC Live Stream:
  12. Well seems like the first projection is in: NBC is stating that Jennifer Wexton (10th Congressional District for Virginia) has beat incumbent Barbara Comstock.
  13. It honestly looks too awful to even become a cult classic. But I've got a keen interest in trying this game, to get a first-hand look as just how shitty this game is. I mean I refuse to pay for it, but I doubt they expect many sales to begin with... But, here's what is bizarre: What a pitiable "The Good" - A deaf hero is a win for representation, even if the execution is wanting Really, so if someone made a really shitty game to give your an idea of what it would be like to be disabled (say: Wheelchair simulator) would they still applaud
  14. Also currently on STEAM for an exorbitant price of $13.49
  15. Like I said, it had all the warnings of turning out to be The Room of videogames. Edit: And nothing yet on PB, just the 1952 film w/ John Wayne
  16. Well to be fair, the current ownage I can think of as of now is as follows: Sheep: Poor performance of current/last gen ports. Caveat: They still have a plethora of AAA exclusive titles on their console, plus sales to boot. Cows: The current Multi-plat (RDR2) runs better on Xbox One X compared to the PS4 Pro Caveat: The install base of the One X is the smallest of all consoles, and when you compare the Standard PS4 & One S, the Standard PS4 outperforms the One S. On top of all that, Cows have a plethora of AAA exclusive titles to claim owange.
  17. Yeah the goals the developers have set for themselves is the gaming equivalent of putting a man on the moon. The issue as you alluded to, and has been witnessed by those who shelled out money, or those who follow the updates is that their timetable has continually been pushed back...and back...
  18. But when we start putting up hypothetical's (how good Star Citizen is going to be) up against known quantities (How good RDR2 actually is) this place turns into a warzone where everyone is simultaneously owned, and not owned - like Schrodinger's cat; and then it just turns into a smiley spamfest... It's how lemmings still have arguments with Cows: "You guys just wait until we get titles from these MS acquired Studios in 2019/2020." Or with Sheep: "You guy just wait until your sales figures dry up!"
  19. I mean let's be honest here, you can play Star Citizen - but it's a very, very ALPHA build with not much more than fly your ship, park it, and talk to several NPC's and buy some gear. Trying to compare it to game that half the forum is playing (Red Dead Redemption 2) is just asking for self-ownage. I mean I'd be more confident saying RDR2 will come to PC before Star Citizen is a full fledged title.
  20. The irony of the all these Xbox games coming over is that I really don't care about them; like yeah its fun to laugh about the eventual porting of MCC and it being listed on the Windows Store; but that franchise took a nosedive. Soul Calibre 6 doesn't run well on good PC specs? By all accounts it's a solid fighting entry, but hardcore fighting fans seem mixed on it, and I have no interest in them to begin with.
  21. ^ That would seem like an EPIC troll of a presentation if it wasn't for the fact it most likely received funding, and has a PhD thesis attributed to it.
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