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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Oh right, you got to add their 'Real ID" the number next to your name. Conversely you can add via email... Blizzard Mine is #1576
  2. But 11'500 people polled is unreliable
  3. Yeah it's PvE (Coop) or PvP for duels and such.
  4. Yeah I just got turfed and booted off a platform back down to the planet by some gargantuan in white-clad armour.
  5. I went as a Hunter for my set up, add me on Battle.net: TehDiplomat Plus this guy is your boss in the game:
  6. Easy. It removed the griefing that plagued previous titles - parking jeep on the runways, C4'ing the aircraft or runway to knock it off course. Now your team's aircraft can't be hobbled before it literally gets off the ground.
  7. The upgrade system was just that, solely an upgrade; there was never a trade off, like less recoil, but less damage from distance. You upgraded your gun down two paths, but the upgrades included "Faster Bullets", meaning you didn't have to lead your target as much, and could take down an enemy in a shootout quicker, since, well your bullets landed faster. towards the end of the Beta, I could discern who had the upgrade on their weapon, and who didn't - to the point where an enemy could start shooting at me, but I could down him quicker, since I had the upgrade on my weapon...
  8. Good looking out, always wanted to try it.
  9. The maps, from what I played in the beta (Narvik & Rotterdam) were never the issue, and the massive desert map from what was gathered always looked like a wicked map for a Battlefield game. The weak point of this game, was never going to be the maps. It's the upgrade system - faster bullets, no downsides or trade-offs; lack of weapons (35 at launch!?), and overall gameplay/squadplay decisions: Health attrition, lack of starting ammunition, everyone can revive, but no one really did in my weekend playing.
  10. DL'ing Fallout New California - Completely new mod with maps, locations, dialogue & characters (measures a whopping 6.6GB's from ModDB ) that has been in development for over six years! - I only heard about it last week, hence jumping into Fallout Vegas to get a better understanding of the plot (it's been at least 4-5 years since I played it) It's essentially a prequel to New Vegas Goodbye weekend!
  11. Oh for sure; I mean given Blizzard's track recor....
  12. This thread makes me realize that I did some personal better up stuff during these years, but God Damn, did I miss out on a plethora of titles.
  13. Someone needs a compilation of Deeno's predictions into one thread; that way we can just slide on over to that thread when he's inevitably proven wrong or incorrect.
  14. 20 FPS on a 1080Ti Shroud saying it ran very well on his 2080Ti Edit:
  15. Dude, they legalized weed here, not meth...
  16. I went with Veronica and E-de - the bot at the Mohave Express in Primm; melee and laser ranged.
  17. I think I speak for everyone who will be in this thread, when I.... But also, @Voidler, uninstall Rocket League, and make this your new game
  18. Fallout was dope as an Isometric turn based strategy game; and New Vegas is fun, even on replay years after its release. FO3, FO4 are largely forgettable.This is shaping up to - as @Bodycount NS mentioned; have a race with BF V to see which is more disappointing at launch.
  19. Kaz was talking about Fallout New Vegas, so I re-installed it, and got several hours into it
  20. The deals I've got from STEAM, Humble Bundle, or GoG have been really impressive - usually 30%-80% off regular price. I'm trying to think the last time I paid full retail for a game, maybe Ghost Recon Wildlands...
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