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Posts posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Just now, Aza Team 2019 said:

    It was also the gen where PC went to shit, isometric WRPGs died out. A whole genre that later had to be revived through kickstarters.

    Crysis turned the majority of PC developers (and by extension the faction itself) into graphics whores. :D


    But at the same time, we had the Orange Box, FEAR, the Witcher, and even some actual RTS games: Supreme Commander, Company of Heroes.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Saucer said:


    When he got ambushed by him, had no idea who he was, and waited for security to intercede? Dude, when did you become a political hack? 

    Ambushed? :D  He's not a marine unit crossing into Cambodia.


    No Idea who he was? The man walked up and explained to him who he was. 


    Security to intercede? Kavanaugh walked away from the man after he introduced himself.


    Politcal hack? I was replying to political ad to the least favourable nominee to be chosen for the Supreme Court: worse than Robert Bork,  less favourable than the supremely unqualified Harriet Miers.

  3. 52 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Have you noticed.


    This is the first time I remember seeing a Supreme Court justice nominee come with his own nationwide advertising campaign.




    Its amazing that they happened to have cameras around as we get to see Kavanaugh walk around shaking hands and greeting people. Everybody knows that's what federal district judges do during their free time.

    Yeah he loves meet and greets: Like when he met a father of a child who lost their life in Parkland.












  4. 15 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

    Funny how this all comes up now, I'm sure it's not politically motivated at all. :ahmad:

    Well it 'came up now' but the accuser informed Senator Dianne Feinstein back in July via a letter.


    Thus one could argue: '"Well, why did she sit on the information until a week before his confirmation? "

    But the opposite could also be true: "Why drag this lady's (The accuser) name into the public domain if it wasn't needed?


    As in, if Kavanaugh's confirmation could have been prevented via other means - say flipping to Republican senators to a "No" vote, or the release of Bush Jr. era Documents (a lot were not released) that might have proven perjury, and thus prevent him acquiring a Supreme Court seat.

  5. While I do play games online, I don't play any of those you've listed. And I think the last time we all squaded up in large numbers was Team Fortress 2, we'd have enough members in the server to fill out one team; good times :glad:


    Perhaps there were other games, but that was the largest grouping for SW playing one game, everything else was a few to half a dozen people playing  Halo, or CoD, something along those lines.

  6. 20 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Have them give interviews to the FBI. Them, and the other people who corroborate their details from the story.


    That way, they are giving their responses under threat of committing perjury if they lie in an FBI interview.


    Kavanaugh has said that he believes he wasn't even AT that party. Oh boy, he better be telling the truth if the FBI comes asking for his side of the story.


    That also means that the second guy who was with Kavanaugh would also have to maintain the same story as Kavanaugh, and if he is lying for Kavanaugh, he'd be doing it under threat of perjury.

    Tellingly, his friend who was mentioned by the accuser as being there - present in the room,;not only said he didn't remember, but also refused to testify under oath; which means he's not willing to testify under oath that he doesn't recall? 

  7. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    He's no one, he's just the biggest PC advocate on the forum so people automatically assume he knows the most. I've been PC gaming longer than him and probably anyone on this forum. 

    He's no one, I'm no one, but based on your past posts you're the authority on all matters related to gaming, immigration policy, hip hop, and whether or not the Xbox is a superb console.


    Gotcha :colbertdid:

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