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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. The best part about about Xbox isn't the graphics, it's the gameplay. Before: After:
  2. Well unless you own stock in Ninty, apparently not much
  3. GD can only be brought out of the pasture for something as godly as Forza.
  4. Basically you get a stable of 7 characters with their own unique weapon and ability while you go around killing Demons whilst basically on rails.
  5. Very quirky, and with a lot of dark humour, but surprisingly good gameplay.
  6. What that the switch is a different console compared to PS4/X1 or that PC games sell well, or both? Actually don't answer that, just logout for 24 hours, k thanks.
  7. Microsoft killed the Xbox, PC was just an accessory to the act itself.
  8. Steam is what the console Fanboys wish they had in terms of an all encompassing online service. Doesn't cost money, constant sales, reliable network, a plethora of input options, cloud saves (that won't get deleted) that save your settings and game saves.
  9. The thing with a Diss track on Eminem is that it's always going to fail. He ended Benzino's career, forced ICP into irrelevance, helped end Ja Rule's career . MGK should have done the smart thing, went on the airwaves, been appreciative of the fact that he was mentioned by Em, explained that he's got nothing but love/respect for Em, since he legitimized the entirety of white folks being able to rap, and been done with it. The best part was the comments in the MGK diss track for a week, all those new kids thinking because someone had a few witty lines agains
  10. Yeah I mean even if it's true, no one here knows that until you testify to the fact.
  11. Yeah PS4 got the Beta Early, then early access (via Key, or Pre-Purchase) was on 14 Sept. for PC. but now open until 17 September. But considering they're trying to compete with other Battle Royale games (PuBG/Fortnite) - which have huge followings on PC, sort of necessary, but great really.
  12. The perks you pick up are well done as well, you choose when you want to implement them, and they typically last 300 secs/5 Mins, so enough that you may not want to use right away, but long enough to where you're not too worried about never getting the advantage of its use. I just deployed both the one for faster movement while crouch/prone, and the silent movement one. Ended up sprinting around whilst crouched
  13. Yeah this is my thinking too, I mean my last CoD title was the first Black Ops game (x360), prior to that is was debut of Modern Warfare, (PC) and then the Original (PC)+ United Godfensive
  14. Oh, and join times are great. From launch of the game > to lobby/wait > to deploying in a map is normally under 2 mins.
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