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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. Yeah, they certainly exist, but the largest issue I found when researching laptops with 1060's in the 'budget' category was their lack of battery life (still need it to do some work related stuff) and overall build quality. Essentially they cut corners to provide you a 1060. I looked around for 3-4 months (in fact another generation of Intel CPUs launched in that time) and looked at the games I wanted to run, and decided a 1050 was adequate. I mean I'm under no illusions that this is somehow going to run Cyberpunk 2077, but if I get a year of solid gameplay out of this,
  2. You ever known a Malacrymas thread not to be so?
  3. I'm on a GTX 1050 - 4GB inside a laptop, with 12 GB Ram, and an i5-8300 w/ an SSD and an HDD. I wanted to continue gaming (the games below my avatar) and needed that option, but also portability; as I'm already planning on going back to the West Coast relatively soon. So a desktop was out of the question, lest I need to sell it when I leave, lose my shirt on it, or pack it in a crate - but I'm relocating too often to invest in anything serious. Also, I picked this laptop up for $1000 CAD ($770 US) and very happy with it. Prior to this I was on a netbo
  4. You just have that queued up in your harddrive in the off chance?
  5. I've always liked Forza, never understood the Gran Turismo love - spending hours trying to get Gold on a section of Laguna Seca? Shit son, I just want to race. But I haven't played Forza since the 360 days in 2012... plus apart from having to reinstall Xbox, this has been flawless. If it wasn't 2:00 AM here, I would get deeper into this.
  6. Honestly when I first came back a few months ago, I was shail'ing/facepalming quite often with his antics. I kept asking, where has Bodycount gone, and/or who hijacked his account? This one has been like the 'ole days, I've legitimately laughed out loud these past few days.
  7. Oh indeed, I've never played a Horizon title before either. Plus my username just fits
  8. Nah I know what it was now, when I first got this PC I took all of the programs out that looked like Bloatware, or just unnecessary, and when I saw 'Xbox' on my PC I instinctively removed it.
  9. Yeah tried the App first; let me Re-DL from the App store...
  10. For some reason I get the following issues: Forza tells me I need to be signed into a Profile, and Xbox Live says it's unable to connect....
  11. There's an Xzibit meme somewhere in here.
  12. So that's where the '2' in your username came from
  13. That a 2010 Larose Perganson I see?
  14. It's Call of Duty in Battle Royale mode, regardless of your opinion expect it to do Iron Man numbers.
  15. Lemming derangement syndrome; apparently we're begging for Halo 5, Killer7, and whatever title they feel the need to bring up at the time.
  16. I must say, if you don't engage him directly - which I am loathe to do; he's entertaining as fuck. The circles he runs in to defend things, and the corners he boxes himself into are fantastic. Cheers, to the guys who keep him posting paragraphs of circular logic.
  17. Yeah nearly done Episode 2 and I forgot the pacing was sublime.
  18. I'm waiting for Saul to wrap up the season before I get beyond Ep 3. Also now getting back into Ozark's as I had to put it down when I relocated across the country so I had stopped around episode 6 of the first season. God damn it's a great show!
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