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Everything posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. This site has always gone by Gamespot - even after the Kane & Lynch Fiasco it didn't get dropped as the review site to use for Systemwars. Metacritic is what you use if you want to actually buy it for yourself - like RottenTomatoes before you go buy a movie ticket; but we can't seriously use it as the score fluctuates, so you claim ownage a Monday, and by Friday you get owned?
  2. This would happen everytime a marquee game flopped.
  3. Nah dude, Deeno says it's because it was reviewed on the PS4
  4. Apparently its also a delicious Mediterranean bread.
  5. This. This is precisely what I thought when this thread went into 'tribal' mode.
  6. I'm going to get Bob Woodward's book FEAR on Tuesday. I've done quite a bit of reading this year, feels good man. Turns out print is not dead.
  7. Oh damn. Thanks for the heads up So yeah I need from that list: Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, MGS 5, Yakuza 0, and how is Rachet & Clank? Oh, also need God of War based on the universal love it received.
  8. Yeah I was looking at an independent gaming shop here in town, and a bunch of titles - I've obviously not played; are $25-$30. So for like $500 I get a console and nearly a dozen games.
  9. In theory yes, but people still select Medic/Support and somehow are oblivious to tossing their packs out... I figured this was going to be an issue when I first heard about its implementation; because really DICE penalized the community and not incentivized us for teamplay. There's already feedback from DICE that they're looking at increasing the starting ammunition.
  10. Well I was moving around the country, like coast-to-coast so never really had an interest to invest into a console and a TV, until I had settled.
  11. It looks fantastic from what I've seen thus far. I was actually looking at PS4's for sale locally. I might break down and get my first Playstation since PS2. And my first console since X360.
  12. 1- Yes, the gunplay is very satisfying - but this isn't a "+" it's an expectation of the battlefield series. 2 - The guns have a very funky upgrade system, in that they are truly upgrades; there's never a consideration, or trade-off. You upgrade to literally get faster bullets. Secondly if every upgrade is solely to make your gun better, and never comes with a trade-off: like more damage, but worse recoil; or less recoil, but more noticeable bullet drop. Finally, on that point, you have to exit the game when you unlock a new gun, or want to add an upgrade,
  13. I went in-depth (in other threads) on why I'm going to pass on this game at launch; don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Battlefield fan , but there's a lot that needs fixing for me, and frankly I can't justify the full retail cost with those issues.
  14. Because no one is going to know what in the fuck Malacrymas is saying:
  15. Bodycount, did you leave JonB & Bhyrtre alone with Deeno to defend the X?
  16. At this point your 'confirmations' are now confirmations for the exact opposite occurring. It's like you're a bizarro-Nostradamus.
  17. To paraphrase Zero Wing: All Your Games Are Belong to Us.
  18. I'm playing FEAR while talking to Nitric about how awesome it yes.
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