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Posts posted by Teh_Diplomat

  1. 2 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

    Or any other country involved. Canada,  Italy, France, China, Australia etc. It was called a world war for a reason lol

    Yeah like why not put a Normany defense map in, and the Allies can decide to spawn on one of the five beaches? Juno, Gold, Sword,  Utah, or Omaha.


    I just feel like this was such a wasted opportunity overall.


    The reason I mentioned larger than 64 player maps was for something like the Battle of Kursk, a massive tank battle between Germany/Russia - would be epic, and has to be able to be done.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Maybe you should buy a PSVR headset first you dumb fuck. 


    PSVR2 is not going be to backward compatible and if by any chance it is (it's not happening you stupid Russian pervert), you'll still need a PS camera and PS move controllers. 


    Support VR gaming on Playstation now you worthless sack of shit. And stop buying so many shitty games just because they got a physical release, I bet you don't even play half of the trash you bought, you retarded mongrel. 


    Fuck you.

    :D No, .50 Cal Aspirin, tell him how you really feel!

  3. 2 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    Fucking lemshits have been raped :tom:

    Nah, just Deeno for making a thread within 24 hours of this information becoming available, and wanting to take bets on it? I mean what bets are you taking/offering for your flagship game? Just get it released and be happy you'll have something to play other than Sea o6 Thieves, and State of Dookie 2

  4. 14 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Yeah 2 factions is not enough, especially after BF1 which let you play with so many unique armies like the Italians and Austro Hungarians which you rarely saw in this type of game before.


    And vehicles in general do feel so insignificant. The opening of the snow map (where you start on the planes and parachute down) give off a epic tone, but the engagements on the ground feel small, and vehicle engagements are practically non existent.


    I look back to Harvest Day in BC1 and Arica Harbor/Heavy Metal In BC2. I have fond memories of the epic long range tank battles that would unfold in those maps. The recent games have moved so far away from that. BF1 was definitely a step in the right direction, but BFV feels like a small infantry focused shooter.

    Yeah I noticed (and as Angry Joe mentioned in his 23+ min review) that is somehow felt smaller; and realistically in 2018 we should be having larger than 64 player battles. I mean Call of Duty has successfully implemented 80 players in their Battle Royale game, and even mentioned that 100 was possible and tested.


    Oh, Co-op isn't going to be available at launch, even thought it was a mentioned/hyped feature from months ago. 


    Ultimately after like day 2 of the game - meaning I didn't just dick around for 3-4 matches and then decide: "Ahh fuck this shit", I was looking at the game going ok, where's my MG34/42 for the support? Where's my Thompson for Assault, Grease Gun for Medic, Browning for Recon? It feels so stripped down, like they sat around in meetings deciding how much of the characters arm should be bionic, and how many visible minorities needed to be represented per side, rather than looking at this like a return to Wolrd War 2 - Where it ALL started I may add; and went alright: Let's ensure we have this, this, and that in the game.


    I mean you want to add in Asian women to the game, fine put the Japanese side in, and bam, done. Want to add more females, cool. Put them on the French/Russian sides as Sappers/Snipers. Expand the classes, or free them up. Want to go Recon/TNT/Hammer Why not? Seems logical enough to me.



    If you're going to add health/ammo as necessities, why can't I set up my class to toss out Health/Ammo packs simultaneously? I mean you've now just let anyone revive.


    I guess what I'm trying to say is that isn't even the issue with the game. Sure, it's a trigger point for a vocal minority within the community, but my whole take on it, is it just seems half-assed and ultimately a disservice to the women who did serve in World War 2, because you've just made shit up to cater to some audience that I'm quite confident never existed in Battlefield.



  5. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Theres a line in Bad Company 2's mp where the character literally says 'im getting fucked in the ass over here'. That would definitely be taboo in the newest games, Its crazy how far we've regressed in the last few years.

    The more I played BF 5 the less interested I was in it; and where I was on the fence before, I'm now staunchly on the 'Wait for the inevitable sale' approach. There's only like 35 guns, which if you remove the pistols, that's like 5-6 guns per class. the upgrade system/unlock system is quite stupid, as you need to leave a game (and your squad) in order to access your newly unlocked gun. You have to spend in-game currency for any and all weapon upgrades, and for a lot of unlocks.


    Also, one of the upgrades was 'Fast Bullets" I mean seriously, :| 


    It feels weird that it's World War 2, but you only have Germans/British. No US/JAPAN, No Russian/Germany, or US/GERMANY.


    There's no indication of any large scale Tank/Armour battles (I mean they did this as far back as BF2 with the last expansion for it)

  6.   :killzone:



    Whole thread on it here... https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/153905/a-swear-filter


    Some of the highlights:



    I tried to say" so do I". Guess what? Cant say it. I actually had to look it up what I said wrong. Turns out "sodo" is an offensive term.
    Never heard of it and I'm 26.



    In a game last night somebody discovered that "finish it" is censored. There is also some oddities that words like "cuck" or "coward" are ok but "wimp" is censored.




    I mean I remember in Bad Company 2/Battlefield 3 your characters would yell out curse words themselves. Now war is supposed to be this non-offensive, padded room/safe space endeavour?

    • Haha 1
  7. And for some reason, I was crashing ALL the time, first it was whenever I pulled out my nade launcher, then it was due to jumping on to water in Rotterdam, then it just seemed to happen whenever I did a series of actions.


    It got to point where I was unlocking some of those challenges when I logged back on :D


  8. I've played for several hours today, and I've had some fun, and a lot of frustration.


    First off, the revive system is as follows: Anyone can now revive; thus no one revives. I can't tell you A) how many people have ran near/over me, and b) how many points  I've made in around by picking people back up, as teammates ran over them.


    It's not well utilized by the community at large, I'm not convinced the system along with the health/ammo system will stay in place.


    The health/ammo system mean you can only fully reheal once before you require a medic to toss a healing pack so you can get back to full health. Ammo is the same, to spawn with two clips :| so squad spawning can be death sentence if no one is support.


    The fortifications are awesome, from making a capture point inaccessible, to creating new access routes to previously difficult to reach sections.


    The guns are satisfactory, but I played this morning, and perhaps it's just inundated with n00bs, but I ran roughshod over guys and squads getting primary weapon, pistol, and melee kills before I was downed.


    The weapon upgrade tree is awesome, basically it allows you to focus on better hip-fire, or down the sights.


    Snipers are 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. On the one hand they do jack shit for body shots, but since 'suppresion' is no longer a thing you can pull off satisfying headshots.


    Weapon upgrade trees works the same with vehicle's; you focus on being offensive (more ammo) or quicker repair.


    Someone mentioned the females and yeah it's weird, hearing voices shout out, or Asian chicks coming to revive you in Rotterdam or Norway just seems off. Not enough to where I'm like this has got to stop, but enough to go: Huh, wait, what? Oh well that guy just sniped me a across the map with an assault rifle, so meh.


    Final note: the support's Drilling shotgun is fantastic, it's a double barrel, with a single rifle shot that one shot head kills for long range kills. Now you have a legitimate reason to use a shottie without feeling gimped in any medium to long range encounter.

  9. I would whole-heartily recommend that you simply wait until you see some games on sale - there are sales happening all the time, just check the homepage.



    Bought for Starters?




    Warhammer 2: Total War



    Tropico 5 - it's like $5 on sales right now, it's like a Sim City - but you're the leader of the Banana Republic, so you also get to fight off control from the Soviets or Capitalists, and Rebels. Gorgeous graphics, and easy to pick up for 15 minutes, or dive in for 5-6 hours.


    Grim Dawn - on sale for $6 right now, and like a isometric view and spiritual successor to Diablo II. Play well, has a great story, and unique skill-tree.


    Red Faction: Re-MARS-tered - This was just on sale for like $11, and is a re-mastered edition of one of the first games to feature fully-destructible environments; where as Just Cause allows you to destroy pre-set buildings and object, everything can be levelled in Red Faction. 

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