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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sugarhigh

  1. Nobody wants that shit. Stalled out at 25M subscribers. They can't even make Series X's let alone sell them.
  2. Internally Xbox is freaking out at how little movement they're seeing off of Starfield. Xbox itself is a tarnished brand and they don't realize it yet. It's performing well below Fallout 4 on Steam.
  3. This isn't news. The lead engineer on the Deck has made this point since launch: https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/111223/qoo-app-steam-deck-interview
  4. If you want this, you should get a PC. The value of a console to me is I know it'll be an important target for at least 5 years.
  5. "The Generation" is just PlayStation5. Xbox IS Series S. It can't hold back itself.
  6. Series S is the first class Xbox. Microsoft baited the Lemmings.
  7. There's a huge fucking difference between buying all/most of your games digitally in a context where there are still retail discs vs first parties having a total monopoly on distribution/pricing. As it is, Valve built a great reputation for fair pricing. Sony is quite a bit worse. MS a bit worse still. Nintendo fucking terrible. Digital only on consoles will be bad for players, and will certainly lead to higher prices on average. It's funny how even as Xbox circles the drain, MS stays at the forefront of anti-consumer policies.
  8. lol fix it? they put a 2023 game on a 2006 console.
  9. This thread reminded me to cancel my free 3 months of Gamepass so thanks. I barely used it.
  10. Unlike sheep who expose their malfunctioning psyche out in public.
  11. Fucking insane. MS still in loss leader mode, but that economy is over.
  12. You're setting yourself up for such a huge fall for no reason. Did you see the Mario vs Donkey Kong remake? Did you see Princess Peach Showtime!??
  13. He lied about having a job and doubled down with false claims that he has a PSVR2. Don't believe his LIES
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