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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sugarhigh

  1. My kid plays the recent 2.5d throwbacks like Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces. Also there have been 2 pretty successful family movies. So it's not like the franchise is stuck in the 90s or something. Sega just doesn't know how to put Sonic in a modern AAA game.
  2. Yeah the speed thing is an issue, but also the flatness of the land. You either have vertical towers that limit speed or you have wide open spaces where speed isn't fun. A good 3D Sonic game should play like Motorstorm with lots of branching paths and chaotic terrain deformation.
  3. It looks like somebody was working on an open world concept in Unreal Engine, and randomly plopped a Sonic model into it. There are PS Dreams Sonic fan games that look more true to the series:
  4. It's pretty fucking cool that you're literally playing the same game as the PC version. Mostly you can take for granted that your save is up to date in the cloud going between platforms. I've been doing this with Outer Worlds and Control. Of course you'd expect this to work between your desktop and laptop, but the Deck system feels a lot like a PS4. Supposedly they are improving it so that you could suspend the game running on Deck and immediately pick up from the same spot on the desktop. https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3142949576401813669
  5. You're wrong about Valve hardware, but we'll be lucky if we only have to wait 3 years for them to prove it. I definitely agree that PlayStation supported PSVR better than FB, and probably will support PSVR2 as well. That's the best chance they have. Unfortunately for Sony, 80% of VR is porn and PlayStation is a lousy platform for it. Anything with a wire loses. Oculus/FB/Meta has some decent standalone games, and it sucks they don't have more considering the hardware is actually selling. Their PC/AAA connectivity fucked right now. They ought to scrap it and just make an
  6. I thought X was dumb fun when I saw it, but surprisingly it's held up better than hyped films like Everything Everywhere All at Once and The Northman.
  7. I had been super hyped for it for years, I was a Black and White defender! The day it came out, I bought it and left it at my place while I went to work. When I got back, my roommate had opened it and was several hours into the game. I was pretty fucking pissed and never really gave the game a chance after that. But it strikes me that this is another Xbox franchise running way past its shelf date after all the original creators have moved on.
  8. Meanwhile all the talent at these franchise-maintainer studios are leaving to form their own teams. I hope you Lemmings like Double Fine, cause they're the only ones who can consistently put games out.
  9. MS had a nice run from 2006-2009. It's been in deep decline ever since. Why they thought they had the talent to satisfy a AAA subscription service is anyone's guess.
  10. - Naughty Dog supposedly has a new sci fi franchise in dev based on the "savage starlight" comics in The Last of Us - Bend is moving onto a new IP because Sony didn't want Days Gone 2 - Jade Raymond's new studio Haven is working on a new IP published by Sony - Santa Monica is hiring for a new "fantasy" IP, which could be directed by Cory Barlog who isn't directing Ragnarok
  11. I got a 100% remote job rn. If I wasn't married it would be very tempting to live out of an RV.
  12. Loving that the the Divinity games can now be played handheld. The presentation looks great without crushing the battery. Definitely looking forward to playing Baldurs Gate 3 outside.
  13. So far I've got 3 512GB msd cards in addition to the 512gb internal. 1. more steam games 2. emu / cracked games / linux tinkering 3. windows install (haven't actually done this yet) I've had more luck running cracked games through Lutris rather than Bottles. One thing that's immediately noticeable is the missing shader caches. Valve ships them with Steam games. So if you play games outside of Steam, you get compile stutter like you do on desktop. It's honestly insane how long this has been going on without major whining. Considering some of the other dumb shit pe
  14. Sony's storage track record has been great on consoles, and garbage on handhelds. Xbox on the other hand ...
  15. Valve is encouraging devs to upload a Deck-optimized download that downscales 4k video to 800p, with lower res textures and stuff. This kind of Deck-specific support probably will depend on Deck + other handhelds growing in userbase.
  16. Nerds on forums shouldn't be talking about "IP" at all. It's legal jargon which encompasses all kinds of irrelevant topics like patents, trade secrets, etc. "Soulsborne" is not a legal concept. Notice that blatant copies of the formula like Nioh and Jedi Fallen Order are not challenged in court because you can't copyright game mechanics. Also when From made Dark Souls as a multiplatform game Sony was in no position to challenge them despite owning Demons Souls. For our purposes there is no defensible difference between "ip" and "franchises".
  17. Genetically deficient Sheep go into corporate lawyer mode to say Spiderman isn't new because Spiderman is a license, but then deny Bloodborne which is totally original. So Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Metroid are all the same IP. Mario Kart and F-Zero are the same, and also F-Zero is in the Mario IP. This is truly pillhead logic. 🧠 💊
  18. One of the best PS5 exclusives is coming to Steam Deck and Jerry is in denial.
  19. this is like saying the Dune strategy game in early access is a 50 year old franchise.
  20. Fallen Order is the best Star Wars thing since Return of the Jedi. Respawn is god tier.
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