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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sugarhigh

  1. Sony's storage track record has been great on consoles, and garbage on handhelds. Xbox on the other hand ...
  2. Valve is encouraging devs to upload a Deck-optimized download that downscales 4k video to 800p, with lower res textures and stuff. This kind of Deck-specific support probably will depend on Deck + other handhelds growing in userbase.
  3. Nerds on forums shouldn't be talking about "IP" at all. It's legal jargon which encompasses all kinds of irrelevant topics like patents, trade secrets, etc. "Soulsborne" is not a legal concept. Notice that blatant copies of the formula like Nioh and Jedi Fallen Order are not challenged in court because you can't copyright game mechanics. Also when From made Dark Souls as a multiplatform game Sony was in no position to challenge them despite owning Demons Souls. For our purposes there is no defensible difference between "ip" and "franchises".
  4. Genetically deficient Sheep go into corporate lawyer mode to say Spiderman isn't new because Spiderman is a license, but then deny Bloodborne which is totally original. So Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Metroid are all the same IP. Mario Kart and F-Zero are the same, and also F-Zero is in the Mario IP. This is truly pillhead logic. 🧠 💊
  5. One of the best PS5 exclusives is coming to Steam Deck and Jerry is in denial.
  6. this is like saying the Dune strategy game in early access is a 50 year old franchise.
  7. Fallen Order is the best Star Wars thing since Return of the Jedi. Respawn is god tier.
  8. maybe that's convenient for unreal engine developers. not sure why i'd want a game engine asset store integrated with a store for actually buying videogames. i can see how it's easier for epic to only maintain one store tho. maybe they'll add food delivery.
  9. All it offers is a Run button. If a console launched with Epic's feature set, it would be almost as good as Nintendo DS's online functionality.
  10. Just like the Arkham games were. Bloodborne isn't even a question.
  11. This is not uncommon. choose files...
  12. Bloodborne is a new IP Death Stranding is a Sony game Spiderman 2018 is a new videogame franchise.
  13. Because it's all they had left.
  14. it could be more than a year away based on the preorder queue. valve will have to get to a next level of manufacturing. in terms of user-friendliness, it's already better than quest 2 which is sold at bestbuy.
  15. Pixel 4 and Galaxy S8. Both mine and my wife's galaxy had significant burn in of homescreen icons and the top bar.
  16. You'll be surprised how solid the primary, non-tinkery experience is already. Valve is still fulfilling orders from the first couple hours of preorders. By the time it's feasible to sell Decks at Best Buy, the value proposition of a $400 handheld PC will be very mainstream attractive since you literally can't build a $400 gaming PC.
  17. Last gen we got Bloodborne, Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Death Stranding, Days Gone, Dreams, Ghosts of Tsushima, and Spiderman. And those are just the hits.
  18. It's gonna be really fucking hard to buy into another generation of PSVR tbh. I already have a Quest 2, which is great because it's NOT tethered to my living room. And Valve is likely to announce a standalone Quest competitor based on SteamOS which will probably surpass PSVR and Meta. It'll be up to Playstation Studios to make great VR exclusives to sell another headset. I don't think Sony's track record is putting their best people on peripherals/handhelds.
  19. No, this is Sheep logic. It literally doesn't matter with the Deck. If only my Deck existed, it will still be a great game system for the next 10 years because it will still play PC games. The only limiting factor is Valve stopping Proton updates, but even that is open source.
  20. Every OLED i've owned, including multiple Android phones and the PS Vita have had burn in on menus/taskbars after a few years. I think you'll see "Options | Open" burned into the bottom right corner of a lot of used OLED Switches. Visible in-game.
  21. This is why I love Playstation, can can never go 100% hermit. By far the most risk-taking of the big publishers, and it pays off more often than not.
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