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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sugarhigh

  1. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/tunic-review-fox-die/1900-6417845/ TUNIC AAA 9.0 TSHBO This kind of game is exactly why we need the Steam Deck. Ambitious indie devs start on PC, and come to consoles only after they've achieved commercial success. Thanks to Valve we no longer have to wait to take these games on the go.
  2. I think a lot of PC players underestimated how unviable Windows is for dedicated gaming hardware. There's no great way to plug a Windows PC into the TV and get a console experience, and the problems only get worse when you think about handhelds, VR headsets, cloud streaming, etc. For Valve to go into hardware, they had to have full access to modify the OS. And today there is official confirmation that Steam is coming to Chromebooks, likely using the same Proton compatibility in SteamOS. Decoupling Windows games from Windows is going to expand the options for PC gaming in a huge way.
  3. Yea of course. Only Nintendo chooses to limit themselves to outdated android tablet hardware. I'm not saying the Deck should be anyone's only system.
  4. There's a huge difference. When Vita came out, Sony had the PS4. PC players are on the technical cutting edge. Sheep are stuck 10 years in the past. There is no modern option for you.
  5. Sheep are embarrassing themselves now. The leaks talk about a system in 2024 (😬), and the "Orin" chipset is designed for driverless cars, not high end 3d graphics. Get real.
  6. If/when developers adopt Vulkan over DX12 as their first-choice graphics API, SteamOS will be in a really strong position to outperform Windows. Proton can basically pass the same code directly to the GPU without translation overhead. In addition to any performance gains they can squeak out of the API/driver, the average SteamOS install should have a lot fewer garbage background services running compared to most Windows systems.
  7. You're overestimating Nintendo. And if you were an honest fan, you wouldn't be lie to yourself about Nintendo's hardware aspirations. The next Switch will be a minor jump, likely smaller than PS4-Pro. I know this is because Nintendo simply has no interest in joining regular AAA budgets. But you could defensibly say it's because they prioritize low/no fan noise, long battery life, kid-friendly pricing, smaller form factor, etc. There's no way Nintendo is going to make a less portable, chunkier system than Valve has done, and that's exactly what it would take to outperform the Deck.
  8. Like it or not, x86 shrinking down to handheld puts a ton of pressure on Nintendo. Of course they can sell Disnified mascots brands to their masochistic fanbase, but the whole layer of 3rd party indies and middle-tier 3d game are going to be permanently portable in a variety of hardware options, not just Valve's. In general, Steam gets these games first, cheapest, and is the best platform for them. It's not so much whether the Steam Deck will "succeed" or not. The form factor existing takes away a major reason to buy Nintendo's shit. People who mostly play Rocket League or Cuphead for example
  9. When you proudly claimed Nintendogs as AAA.
  10. 😂 Why do you do this to yourself? Nintendo's blockbuster, "AAA" games are technically inferior to mid-shelf indies like RIME or Little Nightmares. They don't want to level up to the big leagues because they know children will nag their parents to pay $60 for Mario Kart from 2014.
  11. Even if Nintendo announced their next hardware tomorrow we know it wouldn't be in the same generation as Steam Deck. Nintendo isn't ready to make games at that level yet. They're taking Pokemon back to the N64 era, and they haven't made a game that couldn't run equally well on Xbox 360.
  12. Approximately 100% of those Google searches were "can Nintendo switch play elden ring?". (Answer: 🤣🤣)
  13. Yea no shit. Like 100 people have a Steam Deck right now. What's embarrassing is Nintendo is too scared their customers will find out Steam Deck plays Nintendo games better than their own hardware. They have to be copyright trolls. Pretty cucked move, couldn't be me.
  14. Actually *everyone* is talking about it and Nintendo is busy doing copyright takedowns because they're terrified of the competition outclassing their shit.
  15. Switch wouldn't be what it is if Nintendo knew how online gaming works.
  16. I don't sound like that, and the OG Steam Deck will still be playing new games after the Switch's successor is dead.
  17. Anything but Nintendo tbh. PlayStation and Steam are ahead of the game.
  18. Your peasant mentality doesn't mean anything. I don't play indie developer revenue, I play games. Games come out first, better and cheaper on Steam. Also Switch is a POS. The turd doesn't even have analog triggers ffs. Stop living in the past, grow up.
  19. These fucking slobs literally argued for decades that they don't want to play console games on the go.
  20. I already buy 2d games on Steam. If I played on Switch, I'd have to wait longer, pay more money and get a worse experience than the Deck provides. Even if Switch's hardware wasn't 3 generations behind the Deck, Switch doesn't even have a fucking D-pad. Not sure what you mean by "meant" when it literally plays Elden Ring. I guess Sheep look at hardware specs and think "not meant for me".
  21. You still got 5 months to wait for Switch to not actually play Dying Light 2 on any settings.
  22. Steam Deck is made for successful adults with interesting lives. That's why SW sheep can't understand the appeal.
  23. Steam Deck is gonna be a viable way to play current (next) gen games basically the whole way. The hardware is a feature match with PS5/XBX with proportional downscaling to the 720p res. Some day we will be playing the next God of War on Deck. MS establishing the low priced Series S also means developers will have to scale their tech more than in previous generations. Even plugged into a TV/monitor, the FidelityFX upscaling should be decent. This is a great way for new people to start building a PC library.
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