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Everything posted by Ike

  1. There’s a global shortage on silicon based chips in general. I don’t see it improving soon.
  2. There’s apparently a huge Amazon stock drop coming soon. At least for PS5, and Sony sells it directly and has stock drops every day. That’s how I managed to get mine.
  3. Most games launching on Gamepass have been lucky to score a 7 in the last few years. How is stating facts dumb?
  4. Yeah they can put out trash and still get paid. Enjoy your third rate games library Lems.
  5. Looks like you’ll need to buy a new headset to use these and it won’t be compatible with OG PSVR.
  6. Tetris Effect Moss (will be free) Thumper (will be free) Beat Saber
  7. Imagine if we had gotten that Tim Burton directed Superman film with Nic Cage.
  8. I’m thinking something a little lighter fare next. Probably gonna watch Fleabag after the two special episodes.
  9. Euphoria so fucking good. Not just in its portrayal of high school but also the very real shit that comes with opiate drug addiction. Will watch the bonus episodes soon.
  10. I liked Man of Steel honestly and I think it’s Snyder’s best, Superman’s best, and just an objectively good Superman story.
  11. Vini thinking BvS was good.
  12. Started Euphoria on HBO. Jesus, the girls on this show are insanely hot. Cassie’s tits we’re godly.
  13. What a piece of shit. This turd will be lucky to score a 7.
  14. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/bidens-coronavirus-relief-bill-includes-60b-in-surprise-tax-hikes “Democrats snuck a handful of surprise tax hikes on corporations in President Biden's sweeping coronavirus relief package that combined are worth more than $60 billion. Democrats expect to produce $22 billion in new revenue by permanently repealing a provision in current law that gives U.S. multinationals the leeway to choose how to account for their interest costs when they do taxes. The legislation will also raise roughly $6 billion in new revenue by targetin
  15. They can definitely market it as their Uncharted. It would be a great get honestly but yeah, I’d be worried about how much they’d want to invest in a single player campaign.
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