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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Stock trading apps have seemingly begun limiting the purchase of Gamestop, AMC, and other recently volatile stocks. Popular app Robinhood will now let users sells these stocks, but not buy them, displaying a message saying "This stock is not supported on Robinhood" (image below). These stocks are no longer even searchable on the app. Wall Street still looking like a bunch of a clowns.
  2. Trump already lost in the court of public opinion when we voted his orange ass out.
  3. You just said GP is the best thing in gaming in my quoted post slow Jonny. At this rate, your next AAA will be coming in 2024.
  4. They're keeping all the social aspects from the older Persona games in tact. It's just the battles that have changed.
  5. This whole day you've been doing that. Xbox gets one good game, that's better on PC mind you, and all of a sudden Xbox/GP the best in gaming.
  6. Looks like a bigger sandbox type of environment from Odyssey with 3D World's gameplay mechanics.
  7. Get your first AAA in nearly 3 years (Forza Horizon 4) and start acting like world beaters. Lems the only clowns here.
  8. https://venturebeat.com/2021/01/27/bowsers-fury-is-a-meaty-3d-mario-adventure/ Sounds like a nice addition to the best 3D Mario game ever.
  9. They've lost BILLIONS this week alone. Fuck these people who's only contribution to society is having an exorbitant amount of money.
  10. https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/republican-lawmaker-removed-from-ga-house-floor-for-refusing-covid-test-compares-himself-to-original-33-black-lawmakers-who-were-thrown-out-because-of-their-skin-color/ Jesus, what a fucking buffoon.
  11. Being tried by supporter's in your own party is also not the same as being tried by in impartial jury of your peers. There's some serious shortcomings in the constitution in making sure our leader is help accountable no matter who is President. Not to mention that shitty ass memo that prevents a sitting president from being tried for crimes.
  12. Yeah, this is to fuck over hedge fund on their shorts. It's quite comical really.
  13. I've wanted to try Concrete Genie's VR mode so this is a welcome edition. I'll nab Control, doubt I'll play it anytime soon though. Destruction All-Stars is a HARD pass for me though. That's a gen Z/Fortnite marketed game if I've ever seen one.
  14. Lems acting like Xbox's digital sales are gonna make up for their putrid physical sales. The push for GamePass has made Xtots less likely to buy games.
  15. Yeah, I heard an NPR report it on last night. That's why I was asking. I know it's been suspect from the start and mostly just a show of power from Russia more than anything.
  16. No, still mask and socially distance but the 1 dose is only 45% effective until you get the second dose which puts it to that 90-95% effective range. I thought Russia was using their own vaccine though. Weren't they the first nation to announce they had a vaccine way back in August?
  17. https://apnews.com/article/94323cfc164c4759ba6bf84ad2a46203 Also, it’s not that he didn’t commit crimes. It was just the federal rules that kept him from being charged. “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mueller declared.
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