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Everything posted by Ike

  1. You're forced to register your car every year but don't think you should register a deadly weapon because why?
  2. So you're upset that they're now going to be enforcing the law? Got it. Again, if you just follow the rules for gun ownership shouldn't be a problem.
  3. No one is coming for your guns. I'm just laughing at how you righties always freak the fuck out after elections and just have a run on ammunition/weapons. I'm all for safe and smart gun ownership.
  4. Trump banned bump stocks. That's more than Obama ever did. Conservatards clutching to their guns like an old lady clutching her pearls.
  5. Leaving the Paris Climate Accord and backing out of the Iran nuclear agreement also great things Trump did on the FP front? How about having his SecDef resign and write a letter saying how Trump loves strongmen more than our traditional allies? Yeah, great foreign policy.
  6. You said you liked his foreign policy...which involved abandoning the same people who helped us fight ISIS more than any other people.
  7. You liked when he abandoned our allies, the Kurds, for no reason?
  8. Scarlett wasn't bad at all and it's probably the best looking game on Switch. I'd love another using PS5's power or even just the fighting DOA. I want next-gen boob physics.
  9. Gross, Steve Bannon is a walking advertisement on alcohol abuse.
  10. Is he going to leave the same way he came into office? Saying his crowd size was bigger than it was.
  11. Cancelling is just the free market working as intended and now conservitards all butt-hurt when the free market chooses other people.
  12. https://news.gallup.com/poll/328637/last-trump-job-approval-average-record-low.aspx Also, has the historically lowest average approval rating for any modern president.
  13. Vini simping for a president who tried to have a coup.
  14. "It's not even that much worse than the flu." "Why is everything closed if the numbers are so low?" People who have their noses sticking out above their mask. They look fucking retarded.
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