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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I think this one is coming to cloud play on Switch.
  2. It's AAA at GameSpot too. Looks like a certified banger.
  3. I’m glad Twinblade says we should take care of our own instead of policing the world. I’m sure he’s gonna be huge supporter of cuts to military spending and increases in social program funding.
  4. I'm caught up on the 3 episodes of 30 Coins they have on HBO Max. Been pretty great and gory. Seems like an "occurrence" of the week type show where something different paranormal thing happens and the Kratos-looking priest helps the protags. The overarching story involves the vatican and the 30 pieces of silver Judas was given for betraying Jesus. There's apparently some evil sect in the Vatican in Rome. It's decently scary and has some good gore. I'm enjoying it.
  5. It's meant to be a tribute to old sitcoms. Every new episode is gonna be a different decade. It's essentially Wanda going crazy and creating her own reality because she still hasn't fully processed Vision's death. She had a comic book line similar to this where she created mutants. That's where most people theorize this is going to introduce the X-Men and mutants to the MCU.
  6. $60 MSRP was off-putting for a lot of people. I picked it up for $35 and I think it's been on sale recently on PSN for $30.
  7. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-switch-accounted-for-nearly-all-consoles-sold-in-japan-last-year/1100-6486412/ According to Famitsu and shared via GamesIndustry.biz, about 6.85 million consoles were sold in Japan during the year--that's all game consoles put together. Of those, 5.9 million were either the Nintendo Switch or the Switch Lite, while the PS4 and PS5 combined to sell about 798,000 units. This leaves very little room for other consoles to reach that 6.85 million number, and with the Xbox brand not having much weight in Japan, that's to be expected.
  8. Twinblade would be aghast if he knew all the perks and things we've given to the detainees in Guantanamo BTW.
  9. Yes, I agree our social services are lacking on a federal level. The GOP doesn't seem think so though. And just because someone is imprisoned, doesn't take away their rights as human being including their religious freedoms.
  10. Why should we treat everyone with decency and respect? Also, stop being an apologist for these domestic terrorists. Not a good look.
  11. Yet, the Muslim people who asked for no pork were told to just deal with it or eat expired food https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/24/politics/muslim-ice-detainees-pork-meals/index.html
  12. I have a dual monitor set-up at work and love it. Couldn't imagine not having it honestly. I'd just get a nice, cheap 1080p monitor for work and then a super nice 4k/240hz monitor for gaming.
  13. I really wish Capcom would stop spending time, money, and resources on MP Resident Evil. They've been mediocre at best since PS2 days.
  14. This is just the free market doing what they want. Conservatives and Republicans should love unchecked capitalism right?
  15. I’m thinking this is cross-gen. Maybe a March/April release?
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