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Everything posted by Ike

  1. 5g is such a marketing scam. That coverage that gives you 5g speeds only covers a square block in certain cities. I'm totally fine with my XR and see no need to upgrade any time soon.
  2. There's been more Forza titles in the last decade than any Nintendo franchise.
  3. And that's probably still over 100% of what Gears 5 sold.
  4. BUT WHY AREN'T XBOX TITLES RATED HIGHER? Hearing this same tired argument since GCN days. MS published titles this last gen were average at best and their most quality titles Ori/Cuphead are now on Switch.
  5. Having all your titles score 8s or above is really sucky. Can't be all quality bangers like State of Decay 2, Grounded, and Gears 5.
  6. Mandalorian takes place 10 years after Return of the Jedi.
  7. Except exclusive quality first party software which has been absent on Xbox hardware now for a decade.
  8. That’s awesome! Is it going to be at Universal Hollywood? I’d agree that’s the time I’d want to as well. Disneyland is opening up Avengers Campus too at Disney California and I haven’t checked out Galaxy’s Edge yet.
  9. Probably way better than that shit they tried with the Cait story-line. Remember this was an actual trailer for that game.
  10. His daughter Hailey is a legit 10/10 https://www.instagram.com/hailiejade/?hl=en
  11. This just a response thread because he's butthurt about everyone saying that CP77 is an RPG and not an action/adventure game.
  12. That's fucking hilarious coming from a Trump sycophant. And yes, the only place it's happening this bad is the USA and Brazil who has wannabe Trump in Bolsonaro.
  13. There's going to be SO many sad and disappointed kids on Christmas morning. This shit is legit intentional by MS just to drive up sales from uninformed people.
  14. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/game-of-the-year-2020-half-life-alyx/1100-6485617/
  15. Nah, DC still chimes in with his stupidity occasionally. Go look at today's COVID thread as a prime example of idiocy.
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