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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The amount of injuries on one team this year for the 49ers is absolutely unreal. How can one team lose literally every star player in one season? Even on a second string stadium.
  2. Xbox is a joke and are all about pushing Gamepass now. Utterly worthless hardware that provides nothing over its competitors except CGI trailers for games that are years away.
  3. https://www.cnet.com/news/youtube-will-remove-any-new-videos-alleging-trump-lost-election-because-of-fraud/ Conservitards in shambles
  4. Facebook was for ranking girls at Harvard and then when it opened to everyone with a .edu email, it was for planning college keggers.
  5. Zuckerberg can get FUCKED https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/u-s-government-calls-breakup-facebook-n1250588
  6. And then go run up a mountain and scream "Draaagoooo!!!!"
  7. Like consoles are any easier. I only got a PS5 by refreshing Sony direct all day and getting lucky they dropped stock right as I did one day.
  8. Fuck, like we'd ever be that lucky. Nah, climate change is going to lead to slow fall of life.
  9. Truly a wonderful time to be a gamer right now with new consoles, new GPUs, and CP77. TSHBO
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/08/politics/defense-bill-house-vote-trump-veto-threat/index.html It was approved with a veto proof majority in the house.
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