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Everything posted by Ike

  1. The written previews are all GLOWING too. Most are saying the delay was good thing too since they're experiencing plenty of bugs in their preview builds.
  2. Don't forget too that MS paid for marketing rights for this game and it runs worse on it.
  3. Yakuza also gonna get the best version on PS5 when it releases.
  4. But Series X was supposed to do multiplats better... It was literally all the lems had
  5. Weeb rhythm game that I've been playing forever.
  6. True honestly. My most played Switch release this year has been Hatsune Miku Project Diva.
  7. We use GS, this game is a mega flop. Apart from Hades, Switch has had a pretty poor Q3/Q4 not gonna lie.
  8. The Secretary of State for Georgia was on NPR on my way home today. Him and his family are getting death threats because he’s making sure the democratic process happens. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to want to kill someone for making sure all votes are counted? How is that defensible at all? How can any Trump supporter or conservative look at the President’s claims as anything but the ravings of a deranged lunatic?
  9. I'm sure this will all be ironed by the game's release next spring.
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