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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Doesn't mean it'll happen. The Pfizer vaccine needs to be kept at -70C and will be difficult to even get to our own rural areas in the states. I think it needs to go to the vulnerable/elderly/front line workers first and foremost anyways and on a global scale. The rest of us just need to follow the guidelines of distancing, no social gatherings, and masks everywhere.
  2. Even Xbox's biggest launch title is superior on PS5.
  3. That art style is fucking terrible and is everywhere right now. Fucking Fortnite.
  4. I enjoy the hunt so tomorrow should be an adventure. Also going to try for the 3D Pulse Headset if I can get one.
  5. This winter is going be horrible. A lot of people are going to get sick and die. We had the summer to try and get ahead of this and failed spectacularly.
  6. Someone’s Series X already died on era. They were playing Ass Creed.
  7. Hope there’s VE support again
  8. And it's Trump's Mr. "I like beer" who's gonna be one of the deciding votes.
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8935587/White-politician-apologizes-strange-tweet-claiming-Im-black-gay-guy.html
  10. I'm not gonna be able to purchase a PS5 30 minutes after it goes live.
  11. I was able to purchase one last night at 9:30pm PST on MS's own page. I didn't, but I still had the option.
  12. I think Series X/S will probably be MS's last efforts at hardware in the industry. It's been quite obvious to anyone paying attention, that Gamepass is their model for the future and getting that to as many users as possible.
  13. Launch day and not a single thread from lemmings.
  14. He's always courted low IQ individuals. Of course they'll eat this up.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/10/politics/donald-trump-jr-kimberly-guilfoyle-rnc/index.html This as Jr. and his wife, Rita Repulsa try to expand the Trump's weight in the GOP. Party is corrupt as shit.
  16. https://www.newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-election-fraud-may-not-alter-outcome-1546252?fbclid=IwAR2OziUqmUnIfzskU8Ll--Anw4ujIsrFX7VzwRB_J_Ek1soKNKIiZmsGSoc "At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result. We should be honest and tell you that. Of course, that could change," he said, on his Fox News show Tucker Carlson Tonight. Even Carlson is saying Trump is full of shit.
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