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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Xbox in Japan is a joke at this point. If they couldn't get it to work during 360 when they had two exclusive JRPGs from DQ and FF guys, it's never going to work.
  2. Probably salty af and still think Culp is right too about losing to Inslee.
  3. Texas and New York, really big states that are gonna swing the election. There's gonna be nothing come out of it. Every court case has gotten laughed out of court before being dismissed due to lack of evidence from Trump and co. Go donate to his legal fund so you help pay off his debt you cuck.
  4. They were both arrested and the matter is being handled. Where's the big controversy?
  5. https://apnews.com/article/fraud-claims-aimed-trump-base-loyal-e1c3c5147d11a033fb43ebe66a29f7e8 Meanwhile at the AP.
  6. PS5 already outpacing Xbox's last few years.
  7. That play is a pretty good summary of Rivers’ entire career.
  8. The Mandalorian was ok this week. It was another side mission type episode.
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